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crap! the test was here and trinity couldn't study on it. because you really can't study love.

"trinity?" a voice came from the outside of the door. trinity wiped her tears fast, before opening the door. "ya, that's me." she nodded before opening the door fully so they could walk in. "so, trinity. as you've heard this is a love test. the building officials have decided that patients can't love because of their disorders and conditions. some people have broken these rules so to make this rule permanent they made this test. to start off, it says here that you and jack avery from hall b have some type of relationship." one of the administrators asked.

well damn, did they change the rules last second?

"trinity?" they asked getting her attention. "oh! um yes. he's my best friend, we've known each other since we were both admitted into the hospital." she answered. they nodded, writing things down. "and a former nurse here had seen you guys kiss in jack's bedroom. care to explain?"

"like i said me and jack are best friends. we've said what ever the nurse saw, was a lie." trinity told them. "so was the nurse lying?"

trinity became confused more than nervous, she had already answered that. "yes she was. considering that she was fired because she violated a code. im upset they believed her instead of me and jack." trinity was getting pissed off just at the memory. "we saw you walk into jack's room before the test. explain." they were really grilling her. "i was just telling jack good luck."

"why would he need good luck? i thought you guys were just best friends." the second  administrator said. "we are best friends." trinity frantically shouted. "so why would he need good luck then. just answer the damn question." one of them warned.

trinity had anxiety build up in her chest an she feared she might have a panic attack. "i-i was just wishing him good luck. why is that illegal now?" she asked, gripping her bed sheets hard. they eyed her hard before writing something down. "get up." one of them told her. trinity stood up, and guards grabbed her. "OMFG LET ME GO!" she yelled.

she didn't know where they would take patients if they loved.

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