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jack had just finished the test and was waiting for trinity to finish so he could go see her. but a hour went by, then two, then three and he hadn't heard from her. when he walked out of his room, everyone was staring at him. "dude!" daniel caught up to him, he was also in hall b but was in the cafeteria after his test. jack whipped around. "what?" he asked. "they took trinity." he told him. jack's heart shattered, "what?" he repeated. "i guess she didn't pass the test. do you know where they are taking her?"

jack shook his head, scared. "bro you need to get nurse emma. they are taking her to a different facility until she's 'better'." daniel said. "oh shit." jack cursed under his breath. he told her to answer and to not hesitate. jack ran to nurse emma's office.

emma jumped. "you startled me." she said. "they took trinity! they took her. we gotta get her back!" jack exclaimed. "what? jack calm down and tell me what happened?" emma asked. "apparently trinity didn't pass the test! we gotta get her back!" jack told her. "jack if she didn't pass the test then i can't help you."

"but isn't it strange that i passed and she didn't though?" he asked her. she furrowed her eyebrows, "wait, how did you pass and she didn't?"

jack gave a face of, "i don't fucking know."

"ill see what i can do, just stay calm. since she just got done with her test she's still in the building. the administrators still have hall c to test." nurse emma tried to calm him.

"i can't calm down. she's all i have here." he said.

as harpreet was pacing back and forth in her bedroom waiting for the administrators to come up to hall c to test her. she was nervous but mostly anxious to get it over with.

"hartpreet?" she heard, outside her door. harpreet opened her door and smiled, then opened it fully to let them in.

"so as you've heard this is a love test. the building officials have decided that patients can't love because of their disorders and conditions. some people have broken these rules so to make this rule permanent they made this test. to start off have you ever had the urge to kiss someone?"

harpreet stopped breathing. "no." she said, holding in a breath. they eyed her slowly to watch movements but she stayed so still. "moving on, have you ever actually kissed someone." harpreet shook her head, "nope." then she smiled. in the back of her mind she thought, 'crap i answered that too fast'

harpreet shifted a little, catching one administrators looking at her before writing something down. "get up." harpreet was confused. did she pass? then guards came in and grabbed her arms. "OMG LET ME GO!" she yelled. apparently she didn't pass. but why she answered the questions correctly, didn't she? 

guess not.  

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