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Tommy's: POV

October 10th 2017: New York

I was on my way to the lesson when I notice a boy. He was wearing a fancy suit, but looked lost and confused.


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"Thomas, is it really you?" he asked. "My name is Tommy!" I said. "Oh sorry, I thought you were someone else!" he replied. "What's your name?" I asked. "Adam!" he said.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you here before!" I asked. "I have no idea where I am!" said Adam. "Well, you're at a boarding school in New York!" I explained. "What year is it?" he asked. "2017!"! I said. He became more confused. "I'll take you to the headmistress!" I said.

Students gave him strange glances on the way to the office. Adam didn't seem to care. I admire his confidence.

I knocked on the door and waited. "Come in!" said a woman. We walked in and she looked at us. "Tommy, why aren't you at the lesson?" asked Magaret. "I met Adam and he seems to be a bit lost!" I said.

(Magaret, the school's headmistress)

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(Magaret, the school's headmistress)

"Mother!" replied. "I'm sorry, he doesn't know what he's talking about!" I excused. "Poor thing, you are so welcome to stay here!" said Magaret. "Thank you miss!" he replied. "You'll share room with Tommy, if that's okay?" she asked. Adam nodded.

"I'll tell Mr. Williams why you didn't come to his lesson and maybe you'd like to show Adam around?" asked Magaret. "Sure!" I said. "Are you okay sweetie? you look quiet pale!" she replied worried. "I'm fine!" said Adam.


I talked about the school and Adam was very fascinated. He's funny and cute.

"Adam!" said a girl happily and gave him a hug. "Hey Nandi!" he replied. "I can't believe I met you, I have heard so much about you!" she said.

"Excuse me, who are you?" I asked. "My name is Nandi and I am a princess!" she said. "Sure and I'm the tooth fairy!" replied Rebekah.

"I really am a princess!" said Nandi. "It's not Halloween yet!" she replied laughing. "Shut up Rebekah!" I said coldly. "Sure, hang out with the freaks!" she replied and left.

(Rebekah Holt, she's very popular and mean)

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(Rebekah Holt, she's very popular and mean)

"Don't listen to her!" I said. "I've never seen a girl wearing pants before!" replied Nandi. "Me either!" said Adam.

"If you two want to fit in here, you need new clothes!" I replied. "What's wrong with these?" asked Adam. "Nothing!" I said quickly.

"How are we gonna get new clothes?" asked Nandi. "Shopping!" I said. "Sound fun!" she replied. "Let's go!" I said.

Thank you glitterybearforever for being the book.

It won't be easy for Adam and Nandi to handle the new crazy world.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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