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CHAPTER THREE - "That's What Bilbo Baggins Hates?"

AFTER HAVING A FEAST OF HER OWN, Nixie was completely stuffed - the Dwarves were right, Bilbo Baggins' food was delicious

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AFTER HAVING A FEAST OF HER OWN, Nixie was completely stuffed - the Dwarves were right, Bilbo Baggins' food was delicious. By far, it was the best thing she had ever tasted in forever. Sure, Nixie didn't mind the nutritious, healthy diet of the Rivendell Elves - but, they were Vegetarians and meat was something Nixie had craved. Even the Dwarves couldn't believe how much the petite Woman had eaten; they were pretty convinced she had eaten more than Bombur! And that was a true Challenge; possibly even harder than reclaiming Erebor. 

Though finally being finished, Nixie wandered out into the hallway with a plateful of food - she hadn't seen Bilbo eating with them; so naturally, she assumed that he hadn't. Bilbo was quite neatly tucked away in the other room, clearly quite content with his singular scone; that had neither jam or cream on it - something Nixie found a true, mortal sin. Barely without words, Nixie had handed him the plate and received a small thank-you in reply; that was enough for Nixie. 

When Nixie took her seat, though Dori was the one who was supposed to be getting Nixie her drink - it was Fili who returned with Ales for all. "Who wants an ale?" inquired Fili loudly, without grace - he plonked his booted feet on the dining table; Nixie raised her hand, shouting a loud 'aye', as a yes. Fili was swift to give her an ale, smiling with delight; as she grabbed the large mug defensively. Just as Nixie went to drink it, Fili interupted her from the other, opposite end of the table, "Not yet Lass!"

Bofur, the Dwarf in the hat leant forward, so did the others - with their ale in hand. Nixie copied quite quickly, already getting the idea of what was about to happen. "Ale on the count of three!" cheered Bofur, they all clinked their mugs together, including Nixie, who was already being accepted without hesitation into the Company.




For the first time, since the Dwarves came to Bilbo Baggins' Hobbit-hole - it was silent, except for the glugging of ale. Nixie was determined; she wanted to be the first one to finish her mug. Nixie lugged the ale into the back of her throat, at first it burned; it was her first non-wine alcoholic beverage for a long time - however, she eased into it. Ferociously, Nixie slammed the mug down onto the table; only a mere second faster than Dwalin; she cheered for herself, as did Kili and Fili. 

Then as soon as the other Dwarves finished, it was Nori - the Dwarf with star-like hair to let out the first loud belch. Nixie giggled and the other Dwarves roared with laughter, whilst Gandalf who looked seriously unimpressed in his own corner. Ori the youngest Dwarf, stood up, whilst the room went silent as all eyes fell upon him - he let out an even longer burp! Bofur cheered once again, "I knew I had it in ya!" he yelled in glee. 

All the while, Bilbo Baggins stood in the pantry holding his now empty plate looking more unimpressed the Gandalf (if that was possible). One by one, the Dwarves began filing out of the Dining Room as Bilbo chased furiously behind them snatching a doily from Nori. "Excuse me!" Bilbo bellowed, "that is a doily, not a dishcloth," the Hobbit growled, snatching it away from the Dwarf.

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