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CHAPTER TEN - "The Two Crowns."

TOGETHER, Gandalf, Thorin and Nixie had worked out that there must have been a troll hoard nearby; trolls couldn't move in the day, so there had to be a cave

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TOGETHER, Gandalf, Thorin and Nixie had worked out that there must have been a troll hoard nearby; trolls couldn't move in the day, so there had to be a cave. Troll hoards meant treasure and that was something all of the Dwarves were buzzing about; they hadn't seen treasure since Erebor, let alone discovered it by themselves. The Company had scouted the area quickly before Bilbo had noticed a big gaping crevice between two large rocks - a perfect gateway to safety from the day for the trolls. 

Moss overhung the mouth of the cave; though Nixie was not bothered what it looked like. In fact, she was bothered by the smell out of all things. It smelt disgusting, Nixie wanted to gag how bad it was. Some of the Dwarves even stayed outside due to their horrifying distaste of the smell; she couldn't blame them, it was foul. It reeked of dung, rotting, human meat and irony smelling metal. She hated every second of it. 

Gandalf was the first to enter the cavern of many treasures, followed by Thorin, then Nixie. They walked through cautiously, Bofur, who was behind Nixie, had fallen over many times and was now threatening to drag the Nymph down with him. The all-knowing Bofur was at loss for words for once, as he studied the gaping pile of golden coins before him. 

"Be careful what you touch," advised Gandalf, his voice pained - as though it hurt to smell the vile smell. 

Thorin who held the torch, that provided all of the light for the Company, began to cough more violently as the smell became more pungent the further they entered the troll hoard - as did the rest of the Company, including Nixie. 

As they entered a flatter area of the cave, Bofur stopped, swiping his foot over the pile of gold coins he had been eyeing up the entire time. "It seems a shame to leave all this gold lying around," Bofur dragged out his words, looking at Gloin and Ori. "Anyone could take it."

"Agreed," said Gloin, roaming his hands over a rather reasonably sized chest of gold pieces and trinkets. Nixie rolled her eyes, she swore that sometimes certain Dwarves among them could be mistaken for dragons, with their unquenchable thirst for gold. 

Nixie carried on further into the cave; where the others hadn't yet ventured. It was dark, extremely dark - the Water Nymph found it hard to navigate through the pitch black; then she saw it. In the furthest corner of the cave, there they were glistening. A crown full of pale blue diamonds, shining vibrantly on a pure silver rim; her father's crown. She had remembered trying it on once; only once, it was an awfully heavy thing that felt like a complete burden on her head. 

However, Nixie's mother's crown was a lot lighter. Instead of a crown, Nixie's mother had a tiara: it was made of pure silver but it was thinner on the rim with opal jewels encrusting it. It was more dainty, compared to the bulk of her Father's and Nixie prefered the design overall. She would have chosen her mother's crown in a heartbeat; she went to touch her precious object but someone cut her off. 

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