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CHAPTER SIX - "The Start of a Brilliant Adventure."

A VIOLENT PROD TO HER RIBS WAS WHAT AWOKE THE WATER NYMPH, Nixie blinked rapidly, instinctively going to grab the dagger in her boot - however, she eased when she saw the dark, blue eyes of Thorin Oakenshield staring down at her

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A VIOLENT PROD TO HER RIBS WAS WHAT AWOKE THE WATER NYMPH, Nixie blinked rapidly, instinctively going to grab the dagger in her boot - however, she eased when she saw the dark, blue eyes of Thorin Oakenshield staring down at her. The Dwarf Lord didn't say anything, but sauntered off, leaving her to wake up. Nixie rubbed her eyes and let out a yawn, massaging her now bruised knees; that no doubt was caused by the incident of yesterday night.

In thanks to Bilbo, Nixie folded the blanket over the back of the couch and put the pillows back in place. She wiped herself down with her hands, getting rid of any of the small hairs that had clung to her from the rug; she also took it upon herself to sort out the armchair where Thorin slept that night. The Nymph also smoothed back her hair with a bit of water that she had conjured, slicking back her hair and tucking it behind her ears.

For whatever miserable reason, Thorin had only woken Nixie up - much to her annoyance and was now listening to the melody of sleeping Dwarves. Nixie walked out into the Kitchen, to find Thorin Oakenshield smoking a pipe by the fire; she also saw a stack of clean plates that needed to be put away. She tentatively picked them up, struggling as the stack was almost bigger than her, however, Nixie continued. She saw an empty shelf, so she assumed they belonged there. The shelf was high up, too high for Nixie to reach; so she wondered how Bilbo managed to get to them.

Nixie stretched on the tips of her toes, putting her chin over the top of the plates in an effort to stop them from peeling over and smashing on the floor. She felt humiliated, mainly because she could feel the eyes of the King on her; she was struggling to put plates back - how could she be such a valuable asset to the Company when she couldn't even perform a simple task? Nixie blinked, as warm hands touched hers, roughly pulling away the plates from her arms and chin and putting them up on the shelf.

"Thank you," Nixie thanked the Dwarf Lord, looking down at her feet. She noticed her feet were still bare; she inwardly cursed herself, she must have looked so strange - just walking around in socks.

Thorin grunted, tearing away from the Nymph and shouldered her in the process. Nixie gasped as the breath was knocked out of her, Thorin paused by the circular archway turning back to glance at the Water Nymph. The Dwarf Lord huffed, "We leave in the coming hour," he told her, "And I suggest you find your boots."

The Water Nymph began to hear the noises of Dwarves waking up, notably Fili and Kili who had apparently pounced on Dwalin. It didn't surprise her though, as she walked on the wooden floors, with nothing on her feet except for worn, light-blue socks.

Nixie made her way to the threshold of the Hobbit-hole, wherein the corner she spotted her magnificent boots. Though still muddy on their bottoms, nobody could deny how beautifully the Elves had crafted them for her; they were white, with light blue lilies were stitched into them. The Elves always liked gifting Nixie, trinkets, clothing and weapons with lilies on them; it was rather odd really - she appreciated none the less.

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