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CHAPTER EIGHT - "Nymeria Dale."

THUNDER ROARED IN THE WIND, rain fell rapidly - much to the horror of the, now soaking wet Company

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THUNDER ROARED IN THE WIND, rain fell rapidly - much to the horror of the, now soaking wet Company. Nixie was the only member that was not fussed about the rain, her face was tilted to face the sky as she rode Cerberus. She basked in the glory of the precipitation; like how a Dragon would bask in the light of gleaming gold. She felt at home as the scents of damp woodland hit her nose; Nixie could agree though, the rain was unusually torrential.  

"How can you ride so happily in this weather?" grunted Fili from beside her, the Dwarf was extremely bitter about the weather. Although the blonde's hood was up, the ends of his hair were still extremely wet, as well as the rest of him. 

Nixie beamed, "What's there not to be happy about?" she giggled lightly, out of the rainwater she conjured a small water horse in the palm of her hand - it then raced off, around the Company's heads; much to their confusion, before bursting over her damp, silky, white hair. 

"Mr Gandalf," called Dori from further up the line, "Can't you do something about this deluge?" he inquired furiously, frantically rubbing the water off of his face much to Nixie's amusement. 

Gandalf turned with a smile on his face, "It is raining, Master Dwarf," the Wizard emphasised the word raining, turning his twinkling eyes to glance at Nixie. "Perhaps you are speaking to the wrong person," rhetorically quizzed the Grey Wizard. 

Dori turned, looking at the Water Nymph who rode beside Fili and Kili happily. "Well is there anything you can do?" barked Dori, desperate to get the rain off of him.

The Nymph rolled her eyes at all of the Dwarves behaviour, who were all now murmuring and trying to watch Nixie with great interest. She waved her hands and almost immediately, the rain stopped above the Dwarves but rained everywhere else. "Jasaku arimordium," the Nymph whispered into the wind, soon enough, everyone was dry again.

They all looked bewildered by the events that had just occurred, though they decided not to say anything except for a loud chorus of "thank you." 




The rain had ceased hours ago, the sun had begun to dry the grass and the trees, as well as everything in between. The birds were back out tweeting their fabulous new tunes, the Nymph listened to them, finding peace in their sharp melody. The Company approached the side of a burnt down building; it was recently burnt down, Nixie could tell, mainly because the wood had told her so. The grass was a vibrant colour, no thanks to that of the watering of the rain and it'd been well fed. 

Regardless of the burnt down Farm, Nixie felt uneasy - that may have been down to the fact that she was so close to it; her home of Nymeria Dale. She saw the mossy spire in the distance, just in front and to the left of the forest, surrounded by black, burnt, ash trees of its own. The Water Nymph frowned as she looked at it; reminiscing of her days in the Palace. She missed it; desperately. She longed to restore it to its former glory. 

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