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CHAPTER FIVE - "The Misty Mountains Cold."

"AM I WHAT?" Bilbo responded, still utterly confused with the current situation

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"AM I WHAT?" Bilbo responded, still utterly confused with the current situation. Nixie leant further against the wall, hitting her head slightly as they did so. The halls of Bilbo's Hobbit-hole were painted a lovely cream colour, the candles were always lit creating dim lighting; it was perfect. That was the one thing Nixie knew she would be guaranteed to get from a Hobbit-hole: comfort. 

Oin, who used a device to hear, piped up - clearly, he had heard the wrong thing. "Hear that lads, he says he is an expert!" the Dwarf cried.

Bilbo stood back, shaking his head violently. "No, no, no," Bilbo firmly said, "I am not a burglar!" he stomped his bare feet on the floor, in utter disbelief. Bilbo furthered his reasoning, "I've never stolen a thing in my life!" he exclaimed, running a hand through his hair. 

The oldest Dwarf in the room, Balin, spoke, but no before a sighing a long and deep sigh. "Well," he began, "I'm afraid I have to agree with Mr Baggins." Balin looked Bilbo up and down, "He's hardly burglar material."

Bilbo muttered something, agreeing with Balin completely. "Aye, the wild is no place for gentle-folk," Dwalin agreed, Bilbo nodded again; finding the statement truthful. This angered both Gandalf and Nixie; Bilbo Baggins could probably be an excellent burglar if he bloody well wanted to - he just needed a word of encouragement and he needed to try. 

All of the Dwarves now needlessly degrading Bilbo. Nixie finally snapped, "How do you all know!" they all turned to Nixie, slightly shocked at her outcry. She inwardly cringed; she didn't want to make a scene, but now - she had. "Bilbo Baggins could be a bloody brilliant burglar if he bloody well wanted to," Bilbo shook his head at this, "So don't you dare think for one second you'll all get away with slandering him." 

Rather rudely the Dwarves disregarded Nixie's comments; Nixie looked at the tall Grey-haired Wizard for backup. "Enough!" bellowed Gandalf as the room went dark, now, this, had everyone's attention. "If I say Bilbo Baggins is a burglar, then a burglar he is!" declared the Wizard, clearly fed up with the Dwarves.

 "Hobbits are known for being incredibly light on their feet, they can also pass unseen if they want to - I doubt Smaug knows what a Hobbit smells like," Gandalf expressed why Bilbo was so important to the Company, "You can show a bit of respect to Nixie as well," Gandalf huffed, he looked at Thorin dead in the eye, "You must trust me on this Master Dwarf."

Thorin glowered slightly, looking at Gandalf, "Very well," he shrugged. He threw his arm back to Balin then to Bilbo in a quick gesture, "Give him a contract."

"Make that two, please," Nixie demanded politely, "Mine got a bit damaged in the storm," Balin nodded passing up two contracts to the Nymph and the Hobbit. Thorin didn't even acknowledge Nixie as he practically threw the long piece of parchment at her, Nixie felt her pockets - scowling as she realised she didn't have a pen on her.

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