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NIXIE COULD HEAR VOICES, though her eyes wouldn't open to identify who was talking

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NIXIE COULD HEAR VOICES, though her eyes wouldn't open to identify who was talking. For the first time in her life, the nymph felt discomfort in the cold - that terrified her. She was feeling cold? She had never felt cold before, as a water nymph she was always cold - so the feeling was normal, like a human or dwarf's resting temperature. But today, Nixie experienced it. What was happening to her? An uneasy sensation rumbled in the pit of her stomach, was she dying? Anticipation and a heavy cloud of anxiety hovered over her head, she couldn't die. Not today. 

Why couldn't she open her eyes? Nixie wanted to know, but the only option she currently had were to listen to the voices around her. She could hear Thorin Oakenshield, by what she assumed to be her bedside. 

"It may not be love, but I certainly care for her," it was Thorin, the nymph's heart fluttered at his words - the tone of his voice was so soft and gentle. He meant it. Her heart warmed. 

Suddenly, Nixie's hearing faded and she could no longer hear anymore. But the dwarf King's words lingered deep in her voiceless mind; he cared. She thought that he absolutely detested her. Did he actually admire her? Maybe. Then, suddenly, her eyes opened; her ears were ringing - she sat bolt up straight, spooking the people in the room. Lord Elrond was almost immediately by the nymph's side, a gracious smile coming to his elven features. 

"Hi," Nixie murmured, embracing the much taller being  from where she was sat - she noted she was in the elf lord's chamber and inwardly kicked herself; how improper of her. 

Over the tall being's shoulder, Nixie saw the much shorter dwarf Lord, Thorin. Her heart felt like it was glowing when she saw him - this feeling was new, she hadn't experienced it before. It was like she was seeing Thorin through a completely new set of eyes, he was different to her. Nixie was looking at him, like she had never seen him before and all she wanted to do was give him a warm hug - to feel him against her. He was extremely handsome, stood there a stoic expression gracing his features - eyebrows resting normally, lips in a slight upturned manner. 

Lord Elrond spoke, "It is brilliant to see you're awake Nenlilime," he paused, scanning over her, regretfully leaving the hug, "We've all been praying for your recovery."

"Yes," Thorin agreed, "there hasn't been a moment when you haven't been in my prayers."

Nixie's heart swelled, "That is awfully sweet of you, Thorin," the nymph acknowledged, a smile helplessly adorning her lips.

In an exchange, Thorin beamed back at her, though it wasn't as bright as her's or anywhere near as pretty. "Of course," he shook his head, "You saved all of our hides, we wouldn't be here without you."

Meekly, Nixie nodded, "I was just doing what it asked of me in the contract," she joked, coughing slightly and resting a hand on her ribs. 

Lord Elrond had backed off a bit,  opting to stand in the corner by the door, as Thorin walked closer to the creature - a soft look in his gaze. He too had been feeling the same way since he had experience the intense feeling of panic  when he thought he had lost her - it was strange, Thorin hadn't felt an emotion as intense as that since the loss of his father. What was happening to him?

In response to Nixie's joke, Thorin chuckled very lightly, sitting down on the edge of the bed she was sat up in and tentatively - the dwarf king hugged the royal nymph. It took the smaller woman by completely surprise, but she welcomed it happily - her heart rate accelerating. The feeling of Thorin close to her, had made her estatic. The two lingered slightly, only separating when the door to the elf lord's chambers open and shut loudly; Elrond had left. 

Still smiling, Nixie inquired, "Would you mind fetching me some water? Please, Thorin."

Instantly, the dwarf stood, sauntering over to the vase that was filled with water - he poured it carefully into a crystal goblet. Thorin travelled quickly back over to his nymph's side, dipping his head as she mumbled a thanks. Hurridly, Nixie took a sip, then another and another, her face becoming increasingly worried. 

Immediently, Thorin noticed this and looked at the woman before him with a great concern in his eyes, "What's wrong, Nixie?"

Instead of answering, the white-haired woman was mumbling words over and over again. Then the crystal goblet fell from her hand, crashing on the floor and splitting into a dozen pieces. Her entire body was trembling. "I can't use my powers!" the woman cried, the tears beginning to form, clasping a hand over her mouth. "Thorin they're not here anymore!" Nixie shrieked, absolutely bawling. 

All the dwarf king could do, was call for Gandelf and Lord Elrond - whilst he watched the woman before him completely crumble into pieces, much like the glass moments ago. Nixie was completely and utterly broken. She had now, truly lost everything. 

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