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Warning - Smut!!

Warning - Smut!!

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WHEN NIXIE AWOKE FROM HER SLUMBER, for the first time in over a day a smile fell upon her lips. Last night had been a night to remember; last night, she had given a part of herself to Thorin Oakenshield - her heart warmed. She remembered all of it clearly, the feeling of his skin against hers, the way it had felt to just be with him. It felt wonderful. In Nymph customs, they should've been married to lay with one another, but Nixie didn't care this was right and now that she had given herself to him - she believed their souls were now partially intertwined in dance eternally. 

Blinking with warm sapphire eyes, she looked around at her surroundings. The Nymph's back ached - a blush crept to her face, she was on the floor; they had ended up on the floor last night covered in the furs from her bed. The fire opposite them still burned tirelessly, the warmth getting to every part of her bare skin that was exposed. It was only then, Nixie had realized that her body was completely entangled against the Dwarf Lord, her head using his exposed chest as a pillow to rest her head. He had an arm draped over her bare stomach, and his face nuzzled up against Nixie's neck, nose resting beside her ear, tickling it slightly as he drew breath.

Reluctantly, the Nymph tried to stand up but a heavy arm weighed her back down - pulling her in beside the man, she turned onto her side to see him. Though his eyes were closed, it was easy to tell that Thorin was awake and alert.

His arms wrapped strongly around her, "Why are you moving?" Thorin groaned, his voice husky in the morning sweet air - eyes groggily opening. "You're being annoying."

"Because it is morning and the others will be wondering where you are," answered Nixie sharply, turning to the man with fond crystal eyes - "You wouldn't want anyone to see you coming out of my chambers this early."

Rolling his eyes, the Dwarf Lord moved closer to her, voice slightly raspy, "Then let them see," he moved a strand of her moon-coloured hair out of her face and behind her ear. "I want them to see."

Thorin pulled her even closer, the Nymph welcomed his embrace warmly - enjoying the feeling of her back against his warm chest. The warmth. For the first time in her life, she had felt heat transfer into her own and she radiated it back. For a while, Nixie listened to the heart thundering in Thorin's chest and she noticed how steady it was - like a musical instrument, and in Thorin's mind, Nixie was playing it. For the first time in a while, Nixie felt at ease and completely in bliss.

"As much as I'd love to just reside here endlessly," Nixie murmured, stroking the side of his face, "It appears it would be time for us to break our fast."

Moaning, Thorin turned, squinting his eyes in the light, a smile dancing across his face. "Aye so it is," he agreed, hesitantly getting off of the furs - Nixie averted her eyes, stealing peaks here and there as his naked body re clothed itself.

Suddenly, the dwarf grabbed Nixie, scooping her bare body from the furs where she watched him. The nymph squealed, as her body was tossed into his arms and placed upon his lap. Her cheeks flushed pink, a feeling that she hadn't quite gotten used to yet.

His nose nuzzled against her neck, his breath tickling the delicate flesh. "Give me a reason to why I shouldn't stay here, with you," Thorin mumbled, "Because I could easily have you for breakfast."

Lightly, Nixie bit her lip. She shook her head, "I have no such reason."

It was then, Thorin began to gently nip at her neck with kisses, sinking lower and lower down her skin to her exposed chest; teasingly he stopped. Then, he stood, laying her body on the bed. Nixie looked at him pleadingly, as he examined her in the daylight with his deep eyes. 

Like a beast, the dwarf pounced on her, interlocking them into a passionate kiss - trailing down from her neck to her breasts, as goosebumps erupted across Nixie's skin. He began to suck at her nipples pleasurably, the Nymph let out a gasp as his hand began to grope her isolated breast and eventually, Thorin's kisses swept down past her stomach and towards the pleasure-centre of her body. Once again, the King of the Mountain teased her by kissing the inner part of her thighs - tickling the skin with his beard and fingers. 

Her back arched against the bed as Thorin began to lick at her wetness, inserting two fingers moments later and began to thrust in and out. Nixie felt like she was fire, her body errupting into flame as she grasped Thorin's hair with her hands, pressing his tongue more vigorously around her clit. She let out a loud moan as Thorin's fingers pumped quicker, as her body became a ragdoll to his touch and she felt the pinnacle of her pleasure getting closer - until she finally came, whilst Thorin continued to lap at her walls and the fluid.

He smirked as he rose, "I find you to taste much sweeter than any of Lord Elrond's fruit," Thorin commented, getting closer to her face. 

Nixie brought her lips to his, sitting up and holding onto him tightly. They both let out a small laugh after they had kissed at Thorin's comment. 

The Nymph whispered into Thorin's ear, "I will meet you at the dining table shortly."

"Did I say I was departing?" Thorin raised a brow, a  mischievous look on his face as he kissed Nixie again, pushing her onto the bed - she giggled giddily. 

A/N:  Apologies for the wait! Sorry this chapter is so short and mainly filler for Nixie and Thorin to explore their sexual sides. If you wouldn't mind showing support by giving the story a vote, it'd be much appreciated x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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