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CHAPTER TWELVE - "Do You Care For Her?"

LORD ELROND LEAPT OFF OF HIS HORSE, he knew the ice wall to be the work of his Nenlilime anywhere

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LORD ELROND LEAPT OFF OF HIS HORSE, he knew the ice wall to be the work of his Nenlilime anywhere. He'd never seen her power so great; but never before had he seen her so weak and lifeless. He barked orders at his Elves to remove the ice immediately, though it was Elrond himself that was doing the majority of the work - easily using his strength to throw away the ice pillars. None of the Elves had seen their Lord this upset or frantic, since the death of Celebrian. 

Elrond's eyes began to gloss over as he saw the state of her. She was still dressed in the cloak that she had left in, the pendant he had given her still attached to the fabric - she was so cold. Nenlilime was normally cold, but she was the lifeless type of cold; icy. Her skin wasn't the pale blue it normally was, it was a sickly grey and blood rolled down from her nose. But was terrified him, were her eyes; they were rolled back into her head.

Swiftly, the Lord put two fingers to the pulse in her neck; he breathed out a sigh of relief as he felt her heart beating. However, Elrond knew he needed to get Nenlilime back to Rivendell, where they could properly heal her. He put one arm under her neck, the other under her knees and the Elf had no issue with picking her up - Elrond carried her to his mighty black stallion; leaping on agilely, still holding tightly onto the Water Nymph. 

"Min split hi!" [We split here!] Elrond bellowed, "Pher -o ammen makes sure i tuin scum has chil hin lands!" [Half of us makes sure that those scum has left these lands!] Elrond roared, beginning to ride on with his horse. 

The Elves did as told, half of them splitting in the direction the orc pack had went, the others following after Lord Elrond. To be honest, some of the Elves had never even seen their Lord this angry; it was scary to some of them. Elrond's horse was extremely fast; it raced across the plains, down past a river which Nixie had carved for his city; to where they entered through the front gates of Rivendell. Elrond murmured the password, before riding in straight through, followed by a large number of Elves. His eyes blazed with fury as he saw the Company there; his horse circled the Dwarves for a few moments as did the rest of the Elves. 

They were all to arms instantly. That's when Thorin saw, Nixie. "What have you done to her!" the Dwarf King yelled racing forwards with his sword. Lord Elrond didn't even acknowledge the Dwarf but instead swung his legs over his horse, jumping down with ease and rushing past all of them. Thorin was persistent though, the Guards of Rivendell tried to hold the Dwarf Lord off but it was to no avail; he was there, sprinting after the Water Princess. 

Fili and Kili tried to go after them too, but it was unusually Gandalf who had stopped them - he turned speaking to Lindir, "Take them somewhere," Gandalf said, whilst the Elf nodded. Gandalf began to hurriedly walk up the steps. 

"Where are you going, Gandalf!" cried Fili sharply, trying to break through one of the Guard's defences. 

"To save our Nymph!" the Wizard called back, shooting off into the direction where he could briefly see Thorin's hair blowing in the cold wind that had decided to make an appearance from the Misty Mountains. 

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