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CHAPTER FOUR - "Gandalf the Dragon Slayer."

NIXIE WAS SAT AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE FROM THE DWARF LORD; though his gaze appeared to linger on her more and more as she sipped her mug of ale - that Kili had gotten for her

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NIXIE WAS SAT AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE FROM THE DWARF LORD; though his gaze appeared to linger on her more and more as she sipped her mug of ale - that Kili had gotten for her. Thorin ate rapidly, shovelling mouthfuls of soup into his mouth; this was clearly his first proper meal in days. The Water Nymph pitied him for that. She pitied Thorin Oakenshield a lot. The things he endured in his life were awful; almost as bad as Nixie's life experience. 

"What news from the meeting of Ered Luin?" Balin inquired, leaning over the table and staring at the King intently. "Did they all come?" Everyone, including Nixie, was interested - Bilbo was as well.

Thorin looked down slightly, but then back up; nobody catching his body language except for Nymph that rested her elbows on the table, head in the palm of her cold hand. "Aye," Thorin huffed calmly, "Envoys from all Seven Kingdoms."

All of the Dwarves cheered, exchanging grins with each other. "All of them!" cried Balin happily, all of them were looking hopeful. But, Nixie knew it would be long-lived. 

Dwalin spoke up, sliding his arm across the table. "And what of the Dwarves of the Iron Hills say?" he asked, everyone went silent. 

The Dwarf Lord went to speak, but Nixie beat him to the punch-line. "They will not come, will they?" Nixie said dully, everyone looked at her confused? How would she know?

"How did you know that?" snapped Thorin, looking as if though he saw her to be traitorous scum. Nixie merely shrugged, sinking back into her chair. "Are you a spy?" the Lord accused, to which all of the other Dwarves looked accusingly at her, minus the ones with any sense. 

The Nymph shook her head in disbelief, speaking up the only reason she knew. "This World isn't easy," this earnt a very confused look from all of the Dwarves, "That is how I knew." 

Thorin continued, glaring a cold gaze over Nixie, "They say, this Quest is our and ours alone," he stated firmly, causing disheartened murmurs to ring out around the table. 

This was when the Hobbit piped up from behind Gandalf, "Your going on a Quest?" he inquired curiously; it frightened Nixie because as guilty as she was to admit it, she forgot that Bilbo was still here. 

Gandalf turned, "Ah Bilbo," sighed the Wizard, "My dear fellow, let us a little more light," the Grey Wizard demanded rather politely.

Nixie stood, leaving her seat and walked around to the other side of the table - where Gandalf the Grey was now laying out a map. She had not yet seen the map, nor did she realise how long it would actually take to get there; now she realised, it would be a long tiring journey. Thorin tried to cover it from the Nymph's view but it was to no use, as Gandalf harshly tapped the Dwarf Lord on the arm. 

Kili spoke up from down the end of the table, "It is fine Uncle, you can trust her." The other Dwarves nodded in agreement, though Thorin was sceptical. He reluctantly showed her the map.

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