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SEEING HER LIKE THAT, completely shattered Thorin Oakenshield

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SEEING HER LIKE THAT, completely shattered Thorin Oakenshield. How disturbed she was, how overly upset she was. She hadn't stopped crying and when she had, a soundless noise of absolute pain and misery came out. He hated it. And there was nothing he could do about it. Gandalf had said he had no clue how to reverse it, Lord Elrond was devastated for the Nymph that he cared so deeply about. Thorin just did his best to comfort her. But, Nixie wanted people to see her no longer. She felt like she had lost everything in the world. Her powers made her who she was, they shaped her, she was born with them and she should've died with them. To have them taken away so cruelly was diabolical. 

Most hours of the day, the Dwarf Lord would spy Nixie, who had locked herself in one of the tallest turrets of Rivendell, looking out over the petite balcony that was there. She'd have a goblet filled with water in hand and she'd sadly try and make her magic work again. But each time there was nothing and whenever she had caught him staring, the Nymph would lock herself back in the room without even meeting the Lord's steady gaze, full of despair for the woman. For the first time, since Thorin had left his homelands, he felt powerless to the will of the Gods; she had given up something far greater than life to save the Company of Thorin Oakenshield. She had given up her gift to the world, she had given up everything that made her unique and maybe that's what upset her the most. He didn't know. She wouldn't let him in. 

The door was taller than he was by a large amount, made for elves clearly - Thorin was left only to imagine how short Nixie looked against it. He had paced outside her chambers' for many hours, debating whether to knock or not. It was an inner turmoil. Maybe his pride had been slowly pushing him away from doing it. Fear of rejection. Yet, here the Dwarf stood in his clad gory - black hair neat with his few braids and strands of silver that glimmered in the moon's sweet light. Thorin didn't know why he was so incredibly anxious, but a part of him did know why he was there. He knew exactly why he was there. He wanted to fix the creature that sat in a corner, for hours on end, whispering chants in a foreign tongue he didn't understand - over and over. 

Swallowing, Thorin moved to the door, pursing his lips with hesitance and his footsteps tentative. In truth, this was a plea to the woman - they could only stay so long until Lord Elrond read the map and what it had to say; he didn't want to leave without her. He couldn't leave without her. Gods, he didn't know when he had become so fond of Nixie - it just happened. It had built up, on respect and shared words and now, now his heart found itself open. Something he never thought would happen. The Dwarf Lord found himself pining for her delicate touch, to see her up close, to see her in the pale light of the moon. 

Without letting his mind ponder anymore, Thorin found himself knocking on the door three times - the last knock louder than the last, faster too. He found himself becoming desperate. Listening carefully, the Dwarf heard tentative footsteps getting closer to the door and he heard the twisting of a metal lock. Gradually, the door very slightly opened, Nixie not opening it fully he could only see half of her face in the moon's gentle gaze.

"What do you want, Thorin?" to his ears, Nixie's voice sounded course and heavy, scratchy and pained - she hadn't meant it to sound so hostile, but it had. 

Thorin frowned, "I want to come in," he was blunt with his words, stealthily putting his foot between the door and the wall so she wouldn't be able to shut it  on him. 

At the sneaky movement the Dwarf made, the Nymph noticed, scowling at him, before a soft, sombre smile bestowed her pale features, "I suppose I do not have a choice."

The Dwarf shook his head, "Aye, you don't," he chuckled lightly, a noise that Nixie found herself unfamiliar with - but she liked it nonetheless, "If I may?" the Nymph had backed away from the door, giving Thorin plenty of space to open it. 

It opened with no creak, smooth and perfect. The room was beautiful, decorated in blues, whites and silvers - the bed looked to be crafted out of crystals and a fire burned opposite it. A large glass door, the colour of milk glass opened up onto the balcony, where he had seen her so many times - now, a curtain of silk was draped across it. Thorin's attention turned to the woman, he looked her up and down, noticing she was only wearing a thin gown of starlight - hair messy, yet still perfect to him. Nixie's cheeks burned as the Dwarf stared at her, yet, she did not look away as a pink blush filled her face as her sapphire eyes met his emerald ones. 

A sudden feeling of nervousness washed over the woman, Thorin stepped closer to her and Nixie found herself breaking the gaze away from the man and down to her feet. "What did you come here to talk about," she hesitantly inquired, looking back up at him. 

"You," the Dwarf answered simply, getting even closer, "To see how you are, I've been worried."

The lips that had been drew into a thin line, had upturned into a petit smile, "That's awfully kind of you," Nixie murmured, holding a wrist with her free hand.

Thorin sighed, moving closer to her, the distance between them becoming even shorter, "And I'm also here to ask if you'll be accompanying us on the rest of our journey?"

"I'm useless, there's no point."

Thorin closed the gap between them now, holding her face in one of his strong hands, "You are anything but useless," he told her, as her blue eyes melted into his own. 

Feeling bold, Thorin didn't think before he acted and he leaned in and kissed the Nymph. She felt her entire heart stop for a mere moment, as his lips met her own. Both parties melted into the kiss, like it was the only thing that made them alive - rough, desperate, they needed each other. Her hands roamed up to his hair, gradually, deepening the kiss as she pushed towards him and his hand found itself doing the same, falling from her face and to her lower back. 

In this moment, all they needed and wanted, was each other. 

A/N: Sorry for the time it took to update this, but I hope you all liked the new chapter - fingers crossed you do and please, please, don't forget to vote, it'd mean the world to me x

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