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IT RAINED HEAVILY, the storm was awful

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IT RAINED HEAVILY, the storm was awful. After spending many glorious years in Rivendell, a message, sent by pigeon was sent to Nixie by Gandalf the Grey. He wanted her to come on a Quest with thirteen dwarves - a Quest to reclaim Erebor. At first, the Water Nymph's immediate reaction was a firm no. Then the woman realised how much the Wizard had done over the years for her and suddenly felt guilty, so reluctantly she accepted the Quest. 

During Nixie's time in Rivendell, she grew to love the Elves that lived there - in turn, they learnt to love their precious Nenlilime. Eventually, Nixie gave up on figuring out what the nickname meant; her Elvish speech had become rough over the years and she could only speak a few sentences, despite learning it when she was younger. Nixie had no idea how to wield a sword or shoot a bow and arrow when she first entered Rivendell, Elrond ended up teaching her. 

The Elf Lord ended up teaching Nixie many things, like how to make a fire, create a weapon out of nothing and above all stay alive. In return for this, Nixie began to help the Elves by creating rivers and streams where they needed it most and offered help when it came to transport via boat. Nixie was an expert now when it came to duelling with swords; though she could shoot a bow and arrow she wasn't a very good shot.

 Lord Elrond ended up gifting Nixie a stunning Elvish blade, it was curved and made out of a light-weight, yet strong metal. The handle was like any handle, it was comfortable to the grip and in Nixie's case, it was blue. On the sheath of the sword, there were waterlilies carefully embroidered into the fabric, as well as small waves. It was beautiful and it was supposedly forged in the sweltering fires of a dragon (though she never truly believed that).

So there the Water Nymph was, riding on a pony in the freezing cold weather. She didn't mind the rain though, so she didn't have her hood up - Nixie loved the rain, but she couldn't believe she had travelled all this way to meet the Company of Thorin Oakenshield in a peaceful place called the Shire. The creatures that lived there were known as Hobbits (Halflings), Nixie, however, knew Hobbits far too well. They didn't like to adventure out of the safe borders of the Shire and lived a very simple life.

That was probably the reason Nixie took such interest in Lyssa Goodchild, was because she was one of the only Hobbits she knew that had dared to adventure outside of the Shire. Lyssa was a kind soul, though she rather liked to gossip with Nixie about Belladonna Took and how much of a cow she was. Nixie didn't particularly care for gossip - but, she did find it amusing when her Hobbit friend got so flustered about another Hobbit boy she particularly liked; Bilbo Baggins. The mere memory of it brought a smile to the Nymph's face; she missed Lyssa, maybe now more than ever. 

Currently, Nixie's pony, Cerberus, was having a least than pleasant experience as a loud clap of thunder boomed. In an attempt to calm Cerberus down, Nixie stroked his thick black mane, whispering words of comfort to her loyal pony. Nixie could tell the ground was deeply filled with oozing, sickly brown mud as Cerberus' hooves began to lower into the ground with every waking step. Suddenly, the moon shone down startling the Horse and Water Nymph - almost instantly Cerberus sped up, nearly causing Nixie to fall off of the pony!

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