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CHAPTER ELEVEN - "Warg Scouts."

THE COMPANY HALTED IN A LEAFY GREEN CLEARING, Nixie recognised this clearing; it was the clearing where Thorin had been attacked by a Warg

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THE COMPANY HALTED IN A LEAFY GREEN CLEARING, Nixie recognised this clearing; it was the clearing where Thorin had been attacked by a Warg. Unnoticeably, the Nymph shifted closer to the Dwarf Lord, making sure she was by his side. The only person who seemed to notice was Thorin himself, feeling slightly soothed as he saw her from the side of his peripheral vision; he noticed how she still kept the braid that Fili had done for her in her hair. It was a nice gesture. 

A loud noise startled them all, as a storm of rabbits came charging in from the bushes - all on reigns, attached to a sledge. Nixie calmed, realising she knew who this was: it was Radagast the Brown. She had encountered the Wizard before; she thought him to be strange and unique but those qualities made him wonderful. His hat was raggedly and far too big for his head; she wondered if Radgast knew about the hard mass of bird faeces that was on the side of his face. 

"Thieves! Fire! Murderer!" yowled the Wizard, his beard was raggedy as was his appearance. The Wizard sounded insane; of course, Nixie knew how he normally acted, but this was out of pure terror. 

Gandalf stepped forwards, cloaked in Grey as always - staff in one hand. "Radagast!" he greeted his old friend, "It's Radagast the Brown," he confirmed to the Company who clearly didn't know the other Wizard. "What on Middle-Earth are you doing here?" he interrogated his fellow Wizard, scowling lightly. 

Radgast, now quite perky spoke enthusiastically. "I was looking for you, Gandalf," he told the older Wizard, "Something's wrong, something's terribly wrong," Nixie's gut sunk at the mention of something being wrong with the World. 

"Yes?" Gandalf rhetorically asked, looking for his fellow Wizard to continue on. 

Radagast went to talk, but then stopped suddenly. "Just give me a minute," the Company watched in utter bewilderment as the Wizard forgot his words and was trying to frantically remember them. "I had a thought and now I've lost it," cried the Brown Wizard, "It was right on the tip of my tongue," he said, Radagast's face shrivelled up and his words became distorted, "It wasn't a thought!" he exclaimed, "It's a silly old stick insect!" Gandalf pulled the creature out of his friend's mouth with obvious distaste. 

The two Wizards went off slightly to the side, leaving the Company to get up to their own devices. "He's absolutely batty," Kili uttered, shaking his head in disbelief, "How is he a Wizard?"

Nixie scowled at the dark-haired Prince, "He prefers the Company of animals over people," Nixie explained, "Who can blame him?" inquired the Nymph, who tutted slightly. "I think he's brilliant in his own way." 

"Well, you can believe that Sweetheart," Fili said, patting Nixie on the back and walked off to talk with Ori and Bofur, who were teasing Bombour about something.

The Water Nymph smiled lightly when she trodded over to Dwalin, Balin and Thorin. She listened to their conversation about restoring Erebor to its former glory, she nodded, chipping in every now and then with an idea that Thorin seriously acknowledged. Nixie prefered this Thorin over the old one; he treated her like an equal now, though he'd never admit it. She thought it to be her skill in battle that made him respect her; really though, it was her kindness. 

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