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CHAPTER NINE - "Trolls." 

IT WAS NIGHT NOW, Nixie noticed that whilst striding back on the black pony known as Cerberus

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IT WAS NIGHT NOW, Nixie noticed that whilst striding back on the black pony known as Cerberus. The visions plagued her every thought, she would surely tell Elrond or Gandalf of it. Then she remembered what the voice had said, it told her to tell no-one; if the voice had that much power it could show her the future - what would it do to her if she went against its word? Nixie was too scared to find out, so she decided to keep it to herself.

Cerberus rode around the forest frantically, trying to listen for the noise of Dwarves or even pick up their sent. The wind blew, that's when he caught wind of it, Cerberus galloped abruptly to the right and kept going until he came to a halt behind a giant boulder that overlooked the sky. Nixie parked the pony, about a pace away from the boulder stroking his thick, black mane in thanks.

"Find Gandalf," Nixie told the horse, who neighed in response and began to speed away at the speed of a lightning bolt. Gandalf couldn't have found Nixie an even finer pony; she would agree with that statement now. 

Stealthily, Nixie unsheathed her sword and was slowly crawling across the boulder. None of the Dwarves noticed her yet, apart from Bilbo who was frequently giving on tips on how to cook a Dwarf. He was talking about how they should be skinned first, Nixie didn't know, she was only focused on making sure that Bilbo could safely untie the Dwarves that were being spit-roasted like small hogs. She shifted onto her feet quietly, not giving it away she was there. She looked at the gap between her and the first troll; she could make it - Nixie had to be able to make that jump. 

The troll was truly an ugly thing, with not a bit of intelligence. It wore a ragged brown apron, it had lashings already across it's back and its nose was like a shrivelled up pickle that tried to crawl into its face. Nixie let out a mighty (what she considered to be) battle cry, that caught the troll's attention as well as the other Dwarves, they cheered as Nixie leapt onto its back slashing violently. 

Unfortunately, there were three trolls and only one of her. That didn't scare Nixie though, what scared her was the thought of her friends dying; she'd buy all the time in Middle-Earth to prevent that from happening. The troll roared, one of the smaller trolls swatted Nixie off of the other troll's back - instead of landing flat on the floor, she landed agilely on her feet and ran at the troll closet to her. 

As Nixie ran, she was praying to Valor the entire that Gandalf would turn up at some point. She swung her sword, cutting the troll, who yelped loudly in response; she didn't swing her sword hard enough that it would cut through the bone - just to stun it for a briefw moment. It attempted to bring its other hand down on her; the troll was too slow and Nixie rolled forwards under its legs and onto the other side of the troll. 

The stance Nixie mirrored was remnant of that of an Elf's, though she was not nearly as quick or as graceful as one of them would have been. Nixie was taught that because she was small, it would be a weakness; but against enormous foes, it would be a good advantage. The next troll she saw tried to stomp on her, once again it was too slow and Nixie found herself quickly standing up after sliding under it and stabbing it in the back of its giant heel. 

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