Chapter 28

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It has been a while and my birthday had past. I was now 16.

I was sitting at lunch with Taehyung and Hoseok. "So how does it feel?" Hobi asked. "What?" "Don't day what. You've been 16 for a week now. How do you feel." Taehyung said.

I started bopping my head then glided my hand in the air acting stupid "Feels chill. I'm like practically an adult." I said laughing and gainiysome laughs from them. "Not quiet." Hobi said back.

I took a bite of my pizza and noticed Yoongi on the other side of the room. We haven't talked much since that night.

I stood there quietly. What the hell just happened? I looked back behind me and Yoong was already walking up the stairs to his room.

"THAT ISNT THE RESON I DONT WANNA BE WITH YOU!" I shouted causing him to stop in his tracks. He didn't turn around but he did ask "Then what is?" I stayed quiet not want to tell him. I was embarrassed.

We stood there for a good bit until I heard him huff a breath then continue walking up the stairs. My lip began to quiver but I refused to cry.

We haves talked a few time but not like normal. My face faded from a smile. "You okay?" Taehyung nudged me. I looked over at him "y-ya. I've just had a lot of stuff on my mind." "Like what?" Taehyung asked. I came up with the only excuse I could think of, "Algebra is still quiet hard." "I thought you understood after I tutored you. I guess I'll have to come over after school." He said eating a chip.

It wasn't much of a lie. I was still having troubles in algebra. I looked I really at Yoongi once more before the bell rang.


I was now at PE sitting on the grass. I had just ran a couple laps and I wanted to take a break. I drank some water and sat there panting hard when I saw Taehyung running towards me. God that tight tank top looked amazing on his strong muscular body. His hair was slightly wet from the sweat and he was wearing a supreme head band.

He plopped himself down next to me almost panting as hard as me. He drank a sip of water.

"You good?" He asked looking at me. I nodded my head "Just needed a break." I looked over at Yoongi who seemed to give me an angry glance before running on the track a bit faster. "Is he still mad about that costume party? It was like months ago." I asked "No. he got over it a while ago. I don't think he likes me hanging out with you though." He laughed.

"Well he's gonna have to get over it if you're gonna be helping me study." I said a bit louder than I meant to. Yoongi heard me and stopped with a shocked expression. "Ugh, Im so sorry. I said that so loud" Taehyung laughed softly. "Guess i can't go to your place. It would be unsafe." "Then I'll go to yours." I said

I wasn't saying that so loud but I guess I got Yoongi's attention with the other sentence. He was listening to our conversation and once he heard me say I was gonna go to Taehyung a place his face went from an angry glare to pure rage. He started running faster, I guess to calm himself down.

"What if we just go to the library for now?" He asked staring at the angry Yoongi. "Ya, best not to piss him off more." We laughed.

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