Chapter 30

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I opened my eyes to a vibration. It was my phone. I sat up slowly and looked at my surroundings. I was in Yoongi's room...asleep on his desk table. To my side there was the sleeping boy.

I bent down to get a closer look at his peaceful self. "You are so much more less annoying when you're asleep." I said in a whisper laughing to myself. I looked to the other side where my phone was. I had gotten a text from Taehyung.

"Crap, I forgot I was suppose to meet with him at the library." I said upset but quiet so I wouldn't wake Yoongi.

Tae: it was getting late so I left

Gyuri: omg I am so sorry!!! I got distracted I totally did not mean to stand you up😢😭

I sent the text but figured Tae might not answer. I felt so bad.

I placed my phone down and turned my head to look back at the peaceful male laying there. He was so beautiful.

I moved my head in closer so I could a better look. He was breathing softly and steadily. I payed my head down and watched him for a bit. "Why can't you be like this all the time?" I said to myself.

I pulled my hand up close to his cheap and went to brush the hair out of his face but decided it would be best not to. I moved my hand away and looked at him once more time.

He let out a soft adorable snore and went back to being at peace. I chuckled softly.

I got up and was fixing to leave but saw Yoongi shiver. I guess I should give him a blanket.

I grabbed the blanket off his bed and placed it over him then left his room closing the door slowly. I tiptoed to my room.

Shoot...I forgot my phone.

I looked back over at Yoongi's door and bit my lip before working up the courage to get it. Quietly walking to his room I opened the door just as slow as u closed it. I saw my phone laying right where I had left it.

I walked over to the table and grabbed my phone then went to walk out when I head something, "Gyuri." It was Yoongi.

I turned around to see the still sleeping boy. "He must be dreaming or something." I said turning back around to walk out but was stopped once a hand grabbed my arm pulling me down.

Yoongi was now laying on the ground and I was now on top of him. His arms around me holding me tightly.

Is he still asleep? I thought to myself. He seemed to be. I went to get up, "Be still." I heard his husky voice say.

My Stepbrother // Min Yoongi ficWhere stories live. Discover now