Chapter 34

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I went to my room and closed my door. It's been a long day and I just wanted to sleep.


My phone went off. I pulled my phone out to see who it was. I got a friend request on Snapchat from a Lee Jisoo.

I decided that I add her back. I mean this girl was super nice to me so why not?

I added her back and she sent me a quick message.

Jisoo: Hey 😊
Me: whats up
Jisoo: i thought I should add u since we are sorta friends now and u were on my quick add
Me: oh that's cool
Jisoo: i know I texted u first but I'm fixing to head out and wanted to knoe if we can talk more tomorrow

She is super nice. To be honest, I'm glad that I finally have a female friend instead of hanging out with my stepbrother and his perverted friends all the time.

I head a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I shouted. The door creaked open revealing Yoongi, "Hey, your mom wants to know if you wanted pepperoni or cheese pizza." "Pepperoni for sure." Yoongi nodded and went to close the door, "Oh and Yoongi?" He heard me say. He turned around and looked at me with one brow up.

"I just wanted to tell you that Jisoo is an extremely wonderful and nice girl and nothing of how bad you make her out to be." I said with a defending tone. "Huh?"

"She added me on Snapchat and we were talking and she just seems super nice." I said. Yoongi's face went to shock and he turned all the way around now to face me, "You added her!?" He asked with worry. "Ya. And she is amazing...and you're just and asshole." I said back.

He began to stomp towards me then placed both his hands on each of my shoulders holding tightly, "I don't care what you say about me...but she is anything but sweet. She is a psychopath...a lunatic...HELL A STALKER." He said with a genuine tone. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"She use to stalk me all the time when I was a freshman and a sophomore. You could even say obsessed. She would follow me around steal my stuff and keep it...she would tell people that we were dating and threaten the other girls that liked me. She didn't stop until I publicly confronted her. She did stop...but I guess now that I have a stepsister, she wants to use you to get close to me." He finished.

"I can't believe this..." I started. "I know." "You are so upset that I found one female friend and she doesn't like you that you have to come up with a whole fake story like this just to make me stop being her friend." I said with anger. "Do you not understand?" He said with the same amount of anger.

"Oh I understand...I understand perfectly that YOU are just a self absorbed asshole WHO CANT TAKE THE FACT THAT I ACTUALLY HAVE SOMEONE HERE THAT WANTS TO BE MY FRIEND AND NOT BECAUSE YOU ARE MY STEPBROTHER." I said pushing out of my room and slamming the door. "God, and I almost believed that jerk."

How much of a dick can Yoongi be!?

Hey guys. I hope the story was okay. I'm sure no one was wondering but....I PASSED ALL MY FINALS WITH A's AND B's (except for the one C I got on my algebra final) but they put the grades in and it all averaged out so I got A's and B's the whole years so ya I'm friggen happy. I love you all so much and it is currently now summer vacation. I'm gonna try and write more chapter through the summer. J-hope you enjoyed (and thx for the support)

My Stepbrother // Min Yoongi ficWhere stories live. Discover now