Chapter 33

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"Hi, Im Lee Jisoo." The girl said to me extending her hand out to shake it.

"I'm...Gyuri." I said confused. I shook her hand. "Aren't you Yoongi's sister?" She asked "I mean...step sister." I corrected. She gave me an 'oh' face.

I nodded and she followed me while I started to walk to class past Yoongi. I noticed he gave me a shocked and scared expression. What was his problem?

I walked away and to my class. The girl followed me. "I'm actually one grade above you." She laughed "um...ok?" "Sorry if I'm making you feel awkward, I mean a random person comes up to you out of no where and follows you...I guess that is kinda weird." She said with another giggle. I gave her a soft smile "Ya...kinda."

"Do you have this class?" I asked with a brow raised. "Ya, I guess you haven't noticed me because you are always talking to Taehyung." She said "Oh."

"I know this sounds a little bit weird but I was hoping that maybe we could be friends?" She said asking.

I started to think to myself about all the friends I have at this school and it wasn't really much. They were all Yoongi's friends and none of them are girls so I figured it would be good to have at least one female friend.

"Sure." I said with a smile and she walked with me to my seat. She sat in the seat right next to mine. We made eye contact and I smiled at her as she smiled back.


I have spent the rest of the day wit Jisoo and she is just the most nicest and funniest girl I've met. I'm so glad I actually have a female friend.

I walked over to Yoongi's car and got in the passenger seat. Yoongi was sitting in the drivers seat. His eyes starring out the front window with his hands tightly gripping the steering wheel. Just sitting there. "Who were you talking to earlier?" He finally said breaking the silence.

"Jisoo...why?" I asked and he quickly turned to face towards me putting one hand on the top corner of my seat while the other stayed on the steering wheel. "That girl is not someone you wanna be friends with." He said making me scoff "Why? Because she isn't like all the other girls at our school who swoon at the mention of your name?!" I said with attitude.

"No. Because she is worse than those girls." He said back "Whatever." I said rolling my eyes not believing his bs.

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