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beomjun r idiots

beomgyu: guys is yeonjun with you?

cutiekai: no

soobin: no, stop disturbing us

beomgyu: i was just asking bc he mad at me

cutiekai: oh nooo what happened?

soobin: kai stop messaging come back here

beomgyu: i told him that kai is cuter than him, he got mad

cutiekai: wahahaha of course im cuter ❤

soobin: beomgyu stop

beomgyu: where are you guys anyway?

soobin: date

soobin: DAIRYQUEEN**** i mean

cutiekai: d.q, he bought me ice cream now he's being mad for no reason

soobin: bc what if youre not being such a child and pay attention to me?

cutiekai: :( i just wanna talk to beomgyumie!!


cutiekai: why are you mad?! fine whatever! i dont need your ice cream anymore, ha ve fun n with youtself!!!!1

soobin: wait

soobin: baby im sorry dont go

soobin: fuck

taehyun: yeonjun's here dancing to boy with luv

beomgyu: uM okay.. where are you?

taehyun; at the rooftop, streaming.

beomgyu: im... can you ask yeonjun if he still mad at beomgyu?

taehyun: he said yes

taehyun: he also mutters that if beomgyu will say he loves him then he will unhate beomgyu

beomgyu: can you say i love you to yeonjun?

taehyun: he said im sorry but i already love someone else

beomgyu: someone else..?

beomgyu: oh..okay

beomgyu: bye

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