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“can you tell me you love me again?”

beomgyu almost let himself to smile but he stopped himself to. zipping his lips and beating heart, instead he look away from the older's eyes its weakening alright?

“yeonjun go home you're drunk.”

yeonjun pouts at him and beomgyu feels like he's gonna give in, how can he not? this boy is pouting and eyes staring at him with his cute cheeks and— omg beomgyu stop

“i just wanna hear you say it again, please?”

beomgyu bit his lip, he looked at yeonjun and god he really loves him. he wants to hug him and kiss his stupid face, tell him he's so dumb for even asking him this when he can just tell him freely that he does love him.

but.. this yeonjun is drunk and probably out of awareness right now. knowing him, he would not ask him this stupid thing if he's sober.

and beomgyu couldn't help but think, if he says he dont what will yeonjun say? what if beomgyu really could stop loving him, will their friendship will go back from when it was?

“yeonjunie, i dont.. i dont love you.”

and beomgyu felt guilty that those words came out easily than he thought and it felt good.

“but ... you said you do.”

“just go home hyung, you're drunk.. whatever this thing on your mind.. it'll go because you dont know what you are saying.”

yeonjun laid down on his pillow fort muttering “but i miss you.”

“we were together earlier and yesterday bro.”

bro.. you called me bro but you love me.”

“ppfft who said i love you? well i dont.”


beomgyu laughs and sat beside yeonjun who's back laid down eyes half closed.

“isn't this how it should be hyung? were supposed to be just friends and that i dont love you.

yeonjun opened his eyes again staring at him and beomgyu blushed. because his eyes sincere and looks like they're telling something, beomgyu almost leaned down to kiss him.


beomgyu smiles and leaned down to kiss yeonjun's who closed his eyes and sigh, falling asleep.

“this will be the last time i'll say this,

i love you yeonjun.”


Beomguy and Teahyun

Beomguy: hey? how did things go?

Teahyun: alright... how are you?

beomguy: Yeonjun fell asleep here again, my back hurts coz i slept in the chair.

Teahyun: wtf why not sleep beside him? you guys do that anyways

Beomguy: well.. you see, it all started when my feelings revealed itself. i cannot do that anymore.

Teahyun: wasnt he drunk?

Beomguy: YES and omg he asked me to tell him i love him AND I KID U NOT I ALMOST DID, I said i dont tho for some reason..

Teahyun: ooOP what is his reaction?


Teahyun: beom?

Beomguy: yes?

Teahyun: can we go outside before we practice?

Beomguy: arcades?

Teahyun: yes

Beomguy: of course hyun

Yeonjun-pie and Beomgyu-bee

Yeonjun-pie: beomgyu?

Beomgyu-bee; ey— JRJRJDJDJJHDHJD

Yeonjun-pie: did something happened?! are you alright?! where are you?! i'll open track device stay still!

Beomgyu-bee: No nono no im fine!!! djdjd its just.. its been so long since.. we chat?

Yeonjun-pie: oh hahaahhaha i thought something happened i was about to run

Beomgyu-bee: silly, im fine. anyways is there something?

Yeonjun-pie: you left the dorm again, and manager said you aren't in the studio

Beomgyu-bee: oh.. taehyun and i are on our way to the arcades, we just had brunch

Yeonjun-pie; oh.. i cooked so i got worried u skip meal

Beomgyu-bee: we're fine, thank you hyung

Yeonjun-pie: also.. last night, i was drunk.. im sorry?

Beomgyu-bee: dont worry u didn't do anything wrong u were just funny last night 😂

Yeonjun-pie: fUNNY? why was i funny?

Beomgyu-bee: u ask stupid questions 😂 srsly bro stop drinking alcohol ure becoming a clown

Yeonjun-pie: i dont ask stupid questions! im sincere

Beomgyu-bee: suree...... —taehyun


Beomgyu-bee:  😂 hey im back its me beomgyu, i got my phone. taehyuns jealous rn he said i gotta pay attention on our date. so i got to go now hyung, talk to you later at practice!

Yeonjun-pie: dont hang out with taehyun so much okay? take care and be safe beomgyu-bee

Beomgyu-bee: ❤

Beomgyu-bee: *😂 ok

Yeonjun-pie: :)

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