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Stop the drama

Soobun reset the chat

Soobun changed his username to Soobun

Soobun: I realized we've been tasteless.

Soobun changed GC name to Stop the drama

Hueningkai changed his username to Bday boi

Soobun: Kai its not your birthday yet.

Bday boi: IKNOW BUT likE i cant wait for yall gifts!

Yeonjun changed his username to Cool Hyung

Cool Hyung: bold of you to assume were gonna give u gifts

Soobun: I know right.

Bday boi: YAH! :(((((

Cool Hyung: whahahah dont worry kid, i think i can order u some cake or sumth

Bday boi: eh..

Cool Hyung: be greatful u child

Soobun: Yeonjun have you made up with him yet?

Cool Hyung: why would I?

Bday boi: this drama will take so long omygod

Soobun: Are you really gonna let things like this hyung? Even Taehyun is like in the middle now.

Cool Hyung: taehyun likes him, i dont care anymore.

Teahyun and Beomguy

Teahyun: Sis im gonna beat him up

Beomguy: no im done with it. with this feelings and hope

Beomguy: i hate myself

Teahyun: Beomgyu... Dont blame yourself. Its really hard to control feelings, you're doing your best.

Beomguy: i know.. but with everything im still hoping like an idiot that he will become jealous of us and show that he actually like me like its all fanfic, you know? im stupid.

Teahyun: Damn breaking fourth walls, it'll really be like that. You're really not fine. Man i wish i really have feelings for you so its a happy ending and we can change this all into beomhyun instead.

Beomguy: aahhh i hate this

Teahyun: Hey. I think im gonna confess to Kai on his birthday

Beomguy: what

Teahyun: Yeah

Beomguy: why? kai and soobin are already together? youre just gonna hurt yourself

Teahyun: I know that, I already know that. But my heart doesnt, I still have that feeling whenever i see him. When he smiles and laugh and I just really admire that. The thing is, When you love someone we wont just be happy to have them like us back, but to express that. And I want to, I want him to know.

Beomguy: express.. love?

Teahyun: Yeah

Beomguy: but what about the aching feeling? when we feel hurt cuz they love someone else and we dont deserve them?

Teahyun: Well we already live a life where we cant just be happy right? Its all ups and down, so its the matter of cherishing the happiness and learning from aches

Beomguy: will we ever move on?

Teahyun: I dont care, but we should.. move to tomorrow. Because moving on is not just about having that love dissappear, but being able to carry on without having to think about that feeling to much.

Beomguy: omygod Taehyun youre so smart

Teahyun: Bitch you just find out?!

Beomguy: HAHAHA okay but seriously.. i think i will too.

Teahyun: Will too what?

Beomguy: cherish happiness and Learn from aches

Teahyun: together tomorrow?

Beomguy: ure the best

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