LMB 42

772 44 25


'hueningkai's birthday'

taehyun doesnt know why he's doing this. why for exact reason is he telling soobin that he will confess to kai? what is this? he doesnt need a permission to do what he wants but it somehow feels wrong because they all didn't know that taehyun loves kai ever since the trainee days.

that he loves him even if he helped soobin reach out to kai.

why did he even do that anyway? he could've told him no. he could've told soobin that he doesn't like kai that way, that the affection he has is just like in the fanfics that kai wrote.

but somehow, he know even if kai loves angst. kai wouldn't want a sad ending.

he told him he would support him.

but why cant he support himself?

now his mind has tangled a lot of questions, he sighs it away. meeting soobin who's in the kitchen putting the cake in the fridge. kai is still on the room.

right, he's telling soobin he loves kai. if soobin will punch him he'll take it, but all he wants is to set this feeling go.

to set this love.. go?

“taehyun?” taehyun meet's soobin who finally noticed his presence, smiling at him. “sorry im a little drunk right now, is something wrong?”

maybe he should do it next time.


“it looks like you have something to say though. dont worry im just a little drunk, i can still listen to you”

“look soobin,” he gulps “im not planning something bad but i... i want to.. confess to kai...”

at first taehyun thought soobin was mad because his eyes turned darker than they were before, stepping closer to him as taehyun's back hit the wall, completely trapped to soobin.

“confess to kai?”

“soobin i—” it was too fast. suddenly, soobin's lips on his, he could taste the alcohol in it.

it felt, right though.

he didn't push him away and instead he put his arms around his neck, why does this feel so right?

“taehyun.... you make kai so happy that i just, want to make you happy too.”

and taehyun knew, he entered something miracle.

he couldn't go away now.

“taehyun, i really really adore you..”

“t-thats not tru—”

“i know i like you.”

“but kai—”

“i like him too”

— his heart almost stopped. he couldn't breathe right, did soobin imply... something?

“i want to be with you two... i know you love him, will you love me too?”

since when did soobin knew what he want?

taehyun was always the one he asks about these.

taehyun thought, if he kiss soobin harder maybe it'll wake him up. didn't knew they'll both fell into a deep dream they never want to wake up from.

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