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(another update wott)

needless to say, having your body massaged and meditating through the hot spa wasn't really beomgyu's thing. he's the kind of a guy that releases his stress to either playing at the arcades or through music meanwhile yeonjun and taehyun does this method as to relax.

but today is not beomgyu's day, its yeonjun's and he has been selfless around him for a reason anyways so what he feels does not really matter.

“did you enjoy the spa?” he asks yeonjun, they just got out of the hot spa and decides to eat lunch on some restaurant even if they had eaten something already earlier, i mean its their thing to eat a lot anyways this is how they became bros.

yeonjun hums arms inside his pocket because the weather is cold as heck “yeah loved it, although i wish we could spend a lot of time in there for longer though” he chuckles “you were so cute your hairs wet and you look balding”

“shut up you're just jealous my scalps still healthy than yours”

“alright bee” they entered the restaurant and beomgyu insist to be the one paying for a treat since its yeonjun's birthday anyways but the older pouts, gives up anyway.

after beomgyu took their order they both sat down and eat, yeonjun being flirty as always, stretches his hand across from him giving him a peace of his food “eat this”

beomgyu opens his mouth anyways because we know he's literally weak for this man, yeonjun smiles before wiping his own lip with napkin “i really miss being with you like this, you've been stuck in your studio for a month now.. how's the progress anyways?”

beomgyu hums, right he's currently and still working for that damn emo music “shit.” he responds “i dont think it'll make it to our next comeback, probably next time.”

“oh what is it about?” beomgyu looks at yeonjun. this man be really be dense as hell, its you.

“getting your heart broken.”

“do you want me to help you?”

“hmm, have you gotten your heart broken before hyung?”

“not.. not really” a pause. beomgyu wonders, if his yeonjun hyung got broken hearted well he had a girlfriend he said.

“oh right, you broke up with her right?”

“yeah. it was mutual though since we both like someone else ” what?!

yeonjun took a sip from his water before stretching his back and leaning to look at beomgyu “i guess we were both being stupid.”


“she and i met through online right? and we both always tell each other stuff and when we met for the first time it was happy, i think i liked the feeling of being understand that i mistook it with her as love and asked her out which she said yes.”

beomgyu looks down on his food, regretting to ask because even if they broke up already it just reminds him how yeonjun rejected him and how yeonjun directly said before that he likes someone and that he just push beomgyu away to avoid hurting him which indeed fucking hurts.

“it was fucking stupid, i am and i admit. when we became together we dont even talk about ourselves but our friends, i remember always talking to her about you and she talks to me about her friend too...” beomgyu looked up again.

“you talk about me to your ex-girlfriend!?” yeonjun bit his lip before staring at his eyes and its sincere, he nods at him.

“we were afraid of our feelings and took an easy way not knowing it'll hurt more. i just didn't want to hurt you beomgyu because i dont want to replace our friendship away yet...” beomgyu's heart start to beat up rapidly, what is he saying?! 

“when you started to avoid me all i wanted is to be close to you again and at first i couldn't understand but after talking with her, she told me she likes her friend but i didn't got heartbroken by it because i feel the same.” beomgyu couldn't believe they're talking about this now, that yeonjun is actually talking about how he feels! and that yeonjun feels something for him! 

fuck what should he say?

should he tell him he still loves him that fuck yeah finally! we can be together! there's a twist in beomgyu's stomach that he wants to unknot but he knows its for a reason.

before beomgyu could respond, yeonjun reached to grab his hand and smiles at him “dont think about it too much, i just want to apologize for fucking us up and it was me okay? when you liked me back then i just got scared of it but hey, i just love being with you again”

beomgyu hesitates before pulling his hand away and he swears he see the hurt in yeonjun's eyes. “right, we're bro's again” he smiles.

“that's right but this time, i'll love you more than that and i will gain you back from taehyun.” beomgyu almost splutters, right fuck he lied about having a crush on taehyun.

but fuck why does this feel good? that yeonjun will prove him his feelings and steal him from taehyun? this is like the dream he wanted before.

so he smirks “i'd like to see that”

and oh the way yeonjun's eyes turns bright again, the eyes with passion like how he adored him first when he's performing “i'll show you”

and this might be it... even with a bit of guilt.


beomguy messaged teahyun!


teahyun: what now


teahyun: congrats whens the wedding

beomguy: NO I NEED A FAVOR

teahyun: what


teahyun:.... aight you sadist. fine but whats in it for me

beomguy: i'll buy you bts concert tickets


beomguy: and a free backstage pass so you can meet jungkook


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