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❤ sweet bros ❤

beomgyu-bee: so you and her are together now?

yeonjun-pie: yeah..

beomgyu-bee: that's why you've been avoiding me right? you knew i have feelings for you.

yeonjun-pie: beomgyu i.. im so sorry. i dont want to hurt you.

beomgyu-bee: well, one way or another i will still get my feelings hurt. i understand.

yeonjun-pie: i do understand everything in the gc.. back when you hinted you do like me.

beomgyu-bee: its my fault too for hoping that maybe my bestfriend also likes me back, assuming. and god i hate me, i

beomgyu-bee: and everyone keeps telling me that you do have feelings for me so i thought..

yeonjun-pie: ... i knew about it, but i tried getting away so you wouldn't.. hope or thought that i do have feelings for you, because i already like someone else. you're my bestfriend, so special to me and i dont want this to broke us apart.

beomgyu-bee: i dont understand why you think, these actions would help me.

beomgyu-bee: yeonjun can you do something for me?

yeonjun-pie: yes?

beomgyu-bee: leave me alone, just a month or something. i'll

beomgyu-bee: move on, try.

yeonjun-pie: i cant do that

beomgyu-bee: when i can finally look at you again without the ache in my heart, lets be back as the bestest bro alright?

yeonjun-pie: im sorry

beomgyu blocked yeonjun

puppy n cat

cataehyun: im sorry about yesterday

pupgyu: its alright

cataehyun: i just want you two happy, i care im sorry for being an intruding bitch.

pupgyu: doesnt matter anymore

cataehyun: what why?

pupgyu: saw him last night with her, and i was shook i

pupgyu: he saw me and we talked

pupgyu: told him i like him, he rejected me of course. they're together now.

cataehyun; bitch wait a minute my heart cant

cataehyun: THEFU K BUT HE LIKES YOU?!?!

pupgyu: he doesnt, taehyun it hurts so much. be ause iwas hoping too that maybe he likes me back. im expecting something so great but fuck me i he doesnt feel the same of course why am i such an

cataehyun: hey, you know what? lets just go to somewhere else, clear your mind. i'll be there too.

pupgyu: ure so strong taehyun, you like kai but you let him go. you hold it, even though everyday you'd see them together. that hurts right

cataehyun: i know, it does hurt still but i guess if he's really not for me and all it is was for me to find out that maybe i should look at myself more than keep chasing someone who's obviously meant for someone else. then, yeah lez love ourself instead.

pupgyu: lmao teach me

cataehyun: right i will, now lets go?

pupgyu: okay

cataehyun: we should go to karaoke and sing our hearts out.

pupgyu: you'd be gonna spend all money on karaole taehyun

cataehyun: yes i will

cataehyun: we deserve this bitch lets go

pupgyu: alright BUT you better treat me ice cream too.

cataehyun: fine.

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