LMB 44

634 44 5


'Love is to accept and let go of your fears, move on to become better'

soobin, kai and yeonjun found alcohol in the fridge.

“okay so.. y'all thinking what im thinking?”


“kai what— no, im thinking we do a party, a self own party.”

“but yeonjun. are you sure? you are not doing this out of jealous rage are you?”

“HAHAHAHA..... yeah i am.”

okay so after they maseo maseo maseo like dionysus. the three got drunk, kai falling clumsily on soobin. soobin pulling the younger up, eyes teary and sleepy “soobiin” he whines.

“what's wrong ningning?”

“i think we're troubled.”

“woah what is that little deer saying?”

“hyung we're drunk”

“iM DRUNK?” yeonjun asks before he realize he's holding a bottle “hell yeah!”

kai slopily fell down on to the floor, soobin didnt notice he had let him go. the younger crawls back up “hyung.. what if their ghosts come after us?”

“what?” soobin asks, even though he's also drunk.. he can still be cautious around himself. “who's ghosts?”

“hahahaha alright show me the ghosts!! i will fight them!”

“you know.. when the one you love started loving someone else.. they become a ghosts”


“beomgyu hyung.. taehyunnie... ghosts”

yeonjun drank the whole glass, putting it down then stood up “alright then. imma find beomgyu's soul and bring him back alive”

“go go!”

“eh? how can you ressurrect a soul?”

yeonjun winks “i must first find epiphany, then love him harder than he thought i't will be.”

kai went “ooooh”

soobin went also “aaaah”

so then yeonjun took his bag and left the two behind.

“soobin close the lights”


“we have to do the ressurrection too!”

“for what?”

“taehyun, if we dont... who will bring him alive?”

soobin chuckles, drinking a glass of alcohol again. “okay”

kai was also about to reach a bottle but soobin held him back “you drank too much”

“ok” kai listens. soobin uwued instantly because kai is a cute mess.

he looks so adorable in this state too, blurting out non sense stuff and all but most of all. he see's how kai is really determined to bring taehyun back alive.

“hey hyuka? since when did you love taehyun?”

“hmmm, i dont know.. i cant understand love. i just realize one day i want to feel his heartbeat close to me.. its like.. its like, when i started realizing i love you too.”


“i dont want you away... when you and i became together.. taehyun started avoiding me and it hurts.. i realize i love him as well... since when did you?”

“hmm, actually i just notice how he's always staring at you. how he's always there for everyone to listen... i want to be there for him too. we kissed your birthday night too”

“ehh hyung that's cute...” soobin smiles, he picks up kai's chin facing him before kissing the younger. kai pulls him down on the floor with him, locking him in his arms and deeply kissing him.

they love each other closely like this.

soobin breathes “do you think we can still love a ghosts?”

kai nods “please!”

later on,

“now the both of you need to fucking lay down.” taehyun put the two tallest ( can you believe this) on the bed. the two had admitted to have been drinking earlier while he and beomgyu was away. “why did you both even drank alcohol?!” 

he was standing in front of them, hands on his waist. its not that he's mad, not even with about ghost thing they're talking about but even is reason to get drunk? “soobin, you're supposed to take care of kai and kai?? you're underage”

“im broken taehyun. my heart gone”

“yeah what kai said.”

taehyun literally face palmed, sighing before going in between the two laying down comfortably. “okay im here now. im not a ghosts”

“but u like beomgyu now right?”

“who said that?”


“i'll k word him later.”

the three of them looked at the ceiling, heart beating at the same time and pace.

taehyun broke the silence “i love the both of you”

“WAAAAA TAEHYUN IS ALI—” taehyun pushed a plushie on kai's face.

“yeah im alive now so the both of you better cuddle me every night or i'll ghost the two of you again.”

soobin laughs, yawning, “im relieved.. you love us back.” soobin's arm draping over the two younger.

kai scoots closer and hug the both of them two, “i love soobin hyung, i love taehyunnie a lot.”

taehyun closes his eyes “i miss the both of you...

im never going away again.”

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