LMB 34

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Bob ross

cutiekai: okay but can i flex

soobun: after lunch dear

cutiekai: no I mean we are the best rookies this year hehe

yeoncool: ikr damn txt winning trophies left and right

teahyun: we out here killin it

soobun: of course we do, we are THE ROTYS haters be mad

beomguy: NGL all rookies worked hard and we all deserved this shit. sometimes i hate the awarding type of thing because it leads to competition and fanwars although its just like statistically & counting to determine who have the greatest position to win the award and i know we all want this award and i am very thankful and happy we received the award.

beomguy: anyways what did yall order for lunch kai and i are going home

yeoncool: we ordered CHICKEN and seafood because taehyun wants it

teahyun: yall doing a great job

soobun: anyways.. what was the noise last night in beomgyu's room.

yeoncool: OH... HAHAHAH..

teahyun: we couldn't sleep last night because of loud banging in your room 💀 and we heard beomgyu screaming

yeoncool: WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING okay? chill we just you know

soobun: OmG 💀💀💀💀💀💀

teahyun: did you guys rated spg?! we callin the moa police—

beomguy: LISTEN, i screamed because yeonjun was killing me

cutiekai: gasps


beomguy: NOT LIKE THAT U DIRTY MIND!! yeonjun was playing with our bed

teahyun: GASps

cutiekai: SHOOKKSS

yeoncool: I AM INNOCENT!!!hdnjd

beomguy: he was jumping on the bed while i was sleeping on it AND I SWEAR TO GOD IT WAS 1AM IN THE MORNING I JUST WANT TO SLEEP.

soobun: lmao


cutiekai: ohh so thats why he left the bed last night

soobun: because it seems fun.


yeoncool: his bed is jumpy!!

teahyun; ooo lemme join too

cutiekai: me too!!

beomguy: 💀

Yeonjun-pie message Beomgyu-bee

yeonjun-pie: :( am i a bad boyfriend?

beomgyu-bee: no... wait i didnt said we are official yet

yeonjun-pie: am i a bad unofficial boyfriend?

beomgyu-bee: why do u think so?

yeonjun-pie: this is the first time i'll be in a relationship with a guy and also my bestfriend so i kinda u know, wanna know the rules and stuff AND BE THE ULTIMATE BOYFRIEND EVER HHAHAHAHA

beomgyu-bee: we are not official yet


beomgyu-bee: well i also dont know, i just know we have to be in it together and grow together

yeonjun-pie: you are the best ultimate unofficial boyfriend ever, damn lemme take you out on a date and love you.

beomgyu-bee: okay! lets go to this mall!! i wanna buy couple jackets!

yeonjun-pie: okay anything for you❤


“hey beomgyu? i cant help but think wrong about the past. do you really love me?” beomgyu did not answer, he holds the shopping bag in his hand before looking at yeonjun who sits beside him, looking away, though there was this smile he know he can see sadness in his eyes.

beomgyu wants to say the truth but decides not to, reaching to held yeonjun's hand instead and hold it tightly “i love you boyfriend.”

“i love you too boy—” yeonjun stood up wide eyes “DID YOU JUST SAID BOYFRIEND?!” beomgyu nods with a smile.

HOLY SH— im announcing to the group chat” beomgyu laughs how cute yeonjun is, he never thought day will come that yeonjun actually likes him. he was sure he had given up this thought before.. and that's why.

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