LMB 49

635 39 27


'Love me more'

its the typical day in the TXT dorms where soobin continuously rolls in his bed while taehyun and kai are playing scramble, kai making up weird words that does not work (his opponent is taehyun, he cant even try) but among having the three just chilling in their own space, theres yeonjun and beomgyu laid down in the closet's room (beomgyu has been sleeping there) and watching kdrama in yeonjun's phone.

beomgyu's head lays on yeonjun's arm, eyes direct on the phone screen. he got bored obviously and started kissing yeonjun's kiss softly. the other didn't even budge, then he realize yeonjun fell asleep. (am i the only one who can sleep with my hands hang up?)

beomgyu as the ever genius he is, thought its a good time to clown him. taking pics while squishing his cheeks, giggling to himself, he then took out a marker and draw on his face and he laughs hard that it woke yeonjun up.

and an awaken beast yeonjun is someone you should not mess with.

so there goes beomgyu about to run for his life.


“IM SORRY—” yeonjun quickly captured the bear in his arms caging him. beomgyu struggles to get away.

“say sorry to your good looking boyfriend!”

“aah!! sorry! sorry let me go!”

“no” yeonjun said sincerely and it stopped beomgyu from moving.

actually realising “okay... it feels nice here” and held yeonjun's arms that's holding him, it quickly ran the blush in yeonjun's face.

“i-i w-what?” 

“i said... its nice to be in your arms yeonjun.”

yeonjun scoffs “of course! i-im your good looking husband its better—”


“i-i meant boyfriend!” beomgyu chuckles to his flustered boyfriend. how funny things switched between them.

“but i wanna marry you tho.. lowkey..”

“stop using slang words hyung”


“okay but i agree. i wanna marry you too.. maybe even after we take military service... wait you'd be first before i do but we... will work hard to be together, right?”

yeonjun lets beomgyu go. are they already planning that? and besides, can they be certain of this kind of future? is that possible? they're both idols that are not even allowed to do everything freely, they chase their dreams and have to pursue it first before anything.

and after that, they have to serve for their country and after that they'll be working...

beomgyu laughs at yeonjun that snaps the other back in to reality.

“hey remember when we met?”


“i really, really looked up to you hyung”

“of course i am the best.”

“so dont worry okay? because i believe in you always.”

yeonjun pulls beomgyu and helds his cheeks, kissing him, surprising beomgyu again. yeonjun has never been worried like this, yeonjun was always confident.

“beomgyu, i love you”

“i love you too”

and maybe he does fear of how much more he could love and how that could be taken away and hurt them in same amount.

“i believe in us” said yeonjun grinning at beomgyu and leans in to tease him “because still i have to love you more than you love me”

beomgyu kicks playfully in the feet “you're lame”

“heh you liked me first though”

“really?! because last time i checked when we were trainees you—”

“OKAY! lets go eat now im hungry”


happy birthday!!!!!!!


beomgyu: what

taehyun: congrats lmao

soobin: as if we can in this country and us being kpop idol and us having to do lot of things

cutiekai: can i be the flower boy

yeonjun: NO. i want soobin as the flower boy

beomgyu: we are not getting married guys dont believe him

yeonjun: NOOOOO HOW DARE YOU?! U REALLY WANT TO BREAK UP?! AFTER ALL THE LOVE AND PAIN WE'VE BEEN THROUGH? u dont love me anymore?! how about our kids?!) you leaving them?!?

cutiekai: dads pls dont fight :(((


cutiekai: WA

yeonjun: nooo my precious son dont listen to your mother, he dont love us anymore

beomgyu: im????????????????????????

taehyun: aight imma watch anime

soobin: that's what you get when you let your heart win

beomgyu: im filing divorce


cutiekai: i just breathe and u guys hurt me

beomgyu: okay i love you 💛

soobin: disgusting

taehyun: i cant believe im in a house with yall.... but thankfully, all the dramas and stupid shit done. because im done with this. lol. but im happy we all work out together... anyways yes im breaking the fourth wall again. goodbye guys.

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