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the gang no.2

cutiekai: babe will you fight a dragon for me?

soobin: ugh kai, dragon does not exist

cutiekai: ure hurting my feelings

soobin: i'll fight dragons for u

cutiekai: uwu!!! by the way, do you want to watch endgame with me?

soobin: yeah of course, let's eat on restaurant after hmm?

cutiekai: should we bring beomgyummie with us? he's been feeling lonely. yeonjunnie hyung is avoiding him.

soobin: of course not. this is just for you and i.

cutiekai: :( but

soobin: lets bring them food later.

cutiekai: do you think yeonjun doesnt like beomgyu?

soobin: what i thought its the other way round?

cutiekai: babe, you read the gc when they were showing their affection and stuff in public. beomgyu said the L word to yeonjun but yeonjunnie hyung misunderstood.

soobin: but i talked to yeonjun before, he said he loves beomgyu

cutiekai: babee my head hurtssss

soobin: they'll figure it out, they have the best connection. like us two right? am i getting better though as a boyfriend?

cutiekai; you call me baby but u dont say the L word

cutiekai: u r the literal he protec but doesnt say the L word bac

soobin: baby

cutiekai: its alright soobinie, i understand i'll be patient. i just really really really love you! ❤❤❤

soobin: hmm.. i'm coming there okay

cutiekai: okaaaay ❤❤❤❤

puppy n cat

cataehyun: beomgyu lets watch endgame

pupgyu: but...

cataehyun: oh right, you and yeonjun was supposed to watch together but he's avoiding you.

cataehyun: boi that man is stupid why do you even like.. nah nvm i know you two went through something.

pupgyu: i miss him


pupgyu: taehyun you dont understand

cataehyun: fine i dont, but i really want you two to make up. i'll find something to make him stop avoiding you

pupgyu: pls dont hurt him

cataehyun: oh sweetie i wont ❤


yeonjun: g-gyu?

beomgyu: taehyun what the heck

taehyun: im just gonna go back to my room ❤

taehyun: YEONJUN

yeonjun: ys

taehyun: byeee~

beomgyu: did he blackmail you or something?

yeonjun: nah he send me a pic of my clothes then a fire after

beomgyu: just for you to talk to me?

yeonjun: no, he just send me those pictures.

beomgyu: but you called me?

yeonjun: cause im scared of taehyuun

beomgyu: you are not mad at me anymore?

yeonjun: never!!!!!

beomgyu: then why are you avoiding me?

yeonjun: cause.. cause yesterday

beomgyu: yeonjun, i told you yesterday

yeonjun: no no no i dont wanna talk about it please

yeonjun: can we just go back?

beomgyu: back to what?

yeonjun:  just you and i. yeonjun and beomgyu.

beomgyu: i... uh fine. but lets not be bros anymore

yeonjun: okay

beomgyu: okay

the gang no.1

cutiekai added soobin in the gc

taehyun: finally bitch we're having a meeting

soobin: i dont want any of it

cutiekai: soobin you have to join

taehyun: listen bitch this is about our two bestfriends okay? OUR TWO POOR BESTFRIENDS CAUGHT IN A COMPLICATED LOVE STORY.

soobin: they can work it out

taehyun: LMAO they've been bro's and lowkey in love since we we're highschoolers. WE MUST PUT AN END TO THIS.

cutiekai: and i dont want seeing them like this anymore, it felt so weird seeing them not .. so close like before. they were so awkward at the dinner earlier that yeonjun couldnt even say beomgyu's name he called him chestnut.

soobin: okay yeah, but how? we dont know what they're hiding or something.

taehyun: we are their bestfriends. they trust us, we just have to be with them and or just literally understand what is happening

cutiekai: i dont think i can talk to yeonjunni hyung about this, he might make me cry

soobin: yeah yeonjun just couldnt do it

taehyun: bitch i know, that's why i'll be in charge of him cause i can tolerate his stupid big head. you two talk to beomgyu.

cutiekai: what if talking dont work?

taehyun: i have a whole list of plans

soobin: i hope this works

taehyun: we love them right? no matter what happens or the result in the end we just want them happy.

cutiekai: true

soobin: stan

taehyun: you better stan me.

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