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beomgyu-bee messaged yeonjun-pie!

beomgyu-bee: pie

yeonjun-pie: yes my love, my everything, the one, the love of my life?

beomgyu-bee: for fucks sake just call me beomgyu thats too long

yeonjun-pie: :((((((( but i love you

beomgyu-bee: fine hurt your fingers. but anyways.. i was wondering about your ex-girlfriend.

yeonjun-pie: whAT? U LIKE HER NOW??

beomgyu-bee: no wtf. i just wanna ask about her like how did the two of you meet and stuff

yeonjun-pie: ohhh i see, well it started when i was in love with you.. in denially in love with you. like this feelings built up whenever i see your precious eyes and smile like ugh babe i cant understand it, like i've always seen u as a bro you know?

beomgyu-bee: yes..

yeonjun-pie: i guess im lucky to have you 😊❤️

beomgyu-bee: i love you too.


do you know what its like to love someone who's very close to you? its like you can be the happiest but also you could lose everything with just a confession.

i guess, its like fire build up fire. everyday pass that our hands starts to get tighter as we hold each other. the kisses that she left on my cheeks now closer to my lips, the way her 'i love you's' sounds deeper than yesterday's.

and i admit, i love the feeling of it.

i knew its like falling down the crystal sea.

but if i open my eyes, my fear would be in front of me.

“unnie, we'll debut together right? you will never leave me right?” she said as she sits on my lap, straddling me and i cage her in my arms, could smell her lavender hair closely. i inhale in my familiar comforting zone.

“of course” i said with courage and its just because i can see her smile and know she will work harder to achieve this promise with me.

i only realize that warmth spiraling feelings inside of me after she kissed me that night, her eyes reflects the stars from our open window. i believed that was the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.

“i love you unnie” until i felt the cold breeze.

the first thing on my mind was to stop myself from saying what my heart is screaming at me.

“a-are you sure?” was my answer and i see the pain in her eyes.

and that scares me because i know im still yet imperfect, insecure and too fragile to love her back. she's so smiley and pretty that im afraid to be the reason of her cries.

then i met yeonjun, who i met with a similar heart to mine.

yeonjun-pie: so yeah we thought its better to love each other instead. at the same time we can be cowards and not hurt the ones we love.

beomgyu-bee: oh...

yeonjun-pie: but hey, i love you so much okay?

beomgyu-bee: i love you too.

yeonjun-pie: 😊 good.

beomgyu-bee: im just wondering .. because...

yeonjun-pie: because?

beomgyu-bee: taehyun and i....|

beomgyu-bee: taeh|


yeonjun-pie: okay my loves 😘

“what? she.. quit the company?”

“yeah, she left with her new girlfriend.. didn't you know?”

my heart stops breathing, i ran to the place where i know where she'd be.

even though i said everything what i fear, this is what im afraid the most and its not that you start loving else but...

“unnie.. will you run away with me?”

“saeng, you know we have to debut. i want to follow my dreams, isnt this yours too?”

what could've happened... if i said yes?

what could've been your place now if only i pulled you close and kiss you instead?

what if its us? and i can protect you from anything?

why does it hurt still? when i thought, you'd be better away from me?.

beomguy messaged teahyun!

beomguy: hey, what if its us instead?

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