LMB 43

655 43 15


'love is hard to understand'

taehyun fell in love with both soobin and kai. he knew he'd fell into the deep hole as soon as soobin kissed him that night and at first taehyun ignored the signs. he kept telling himself that he loves kai only.

he didn't get to confess to kai on his birthday because of soobin— he couldn't get himself to say the word love in front of kai because his mind is full of soobin and the kiss.

and it doesn't help that after that day, soobin pretended nothing happened.

how could he just do that?

but then... why cant he just do the same?

why are feelings so complicated?

taehyun and kai accidentally drank alcohol because jin gave them slurpees and taehyun kept vomiting on the practice room that soobin have to ask their boss to cancel practice. soobin took kai and taehyun home, he prepared their bed and company the two drunk mess on it.

(wait side note, i just noticed that theres a constant alcohol problem in this fic...i apologize HHH)

kai instantly fell asleep, he was hyper and a crying mess earlier meanwhile taehyun... is taehyun but like 100 times more chaotic.

taehyun moved on his side, facing kai who's peacefully sleeping in front of him. he scoots closer and wraps his arm around kai's, soobin must be out in the living room.

he feels his heart beat skip as he feels kai's slowly breathing. it relieves him that he loves kai the same even after all the 'soobin' kissed him thing.

but will kai even... love him back?

he sighs, he bit his lip.

“hey,” he turns, soobin was looking at them but there's only fond in soobin's eyes.

“are you feeling better?”

“kai.. already fell asleep.”

soobin smiles “good, you two were chaotic.” soobin moves closer and reached to touch his cheek, making taehyun's heart flutter and his cheeks red as if soobin painted pink on it.

“you two look so adorable” he says “i want to take care the both of you”

taehyun's lip shivers and he feels like tearing up “is it really true?”

soobin somehow finds his space, next to taehyun hugging the both of them while kai sleeps peacefully in taehyun's arm.

“if you want. anything is possible”

taehyun closes his eyes and let himself be in between the two lovers he used to envy so much.

“let's watch cartoons later okay?”

taehyun realized. he rejected himself of love.
that he didn't even try to tell kai all along. he unrequited his own love just because he thought that kai and soobin were enough for each other. that kai's happiness is soobin.. not knowing his and soobin's happiness.

while being in this whole mess, he couldn't find himself to ask for beomgyu for advice. he suddenly felt like it'll bother the other since beomgyu is having problems with his and yeonjun's as well.

didn't they promise to help each other?

beomguy: taehyun i need help :(

teahyun: not today, lets do it tomorrow.

he felt stupid and bad to reject beomgyu's help. after beomgyu told him that he really appreciates him, he suddenly turned down this time.

it's frustrating.

taehyun scrolls on his phone, pictures of him and beomgyu together. he couldn't believe that they all had gone through a lot, didn't notice that they all grew bond together. he smiles, he's so happy that he and beomgyu became so close because of arcades together.

he stopped feeling alone because of beomgyu. but he wished he did something, maybe make beomgyu feel that same feeling he does.

kai enters the room and see's taehyun on his phone, scrolling pictures in his gallery and notices that its taehyun and beomgyu together at the arcades.

“taehyun-ah” he calls, taehyun looks back at him. “you wish you could've helped him do you?”

taehyun looks away “what do you even know?”

“do you like him?” he asks.

taehyun finally faces him again, there's frustation “what do you want?”

kai grins “what i want?” pointing on his lips “kiss”

taehyun inhales, he stares at kai's lips and leans in without hesitating. capturing kai's soft lips with his, his hands on both of his shoulders steadying him. taehyun suddenly forgot what was he even thinking earlier, kai's kissess felt like magic on him. damn, he even forgot that this boy he's kissing is taken with someone else.

meanwhile kai just felt happiness all over and over again, pulling taehyun's shirt on him not wanting it to end. he didn't even knew taehyun would actually kiss him but he's so happy... he's telling soobin later.

they both pull away, out of breath. kai's eyes adoring taehyun's whispering “again”

and taehyun smirks “soobin's right, you're so demanding”

but kai didn't even care as he do. pushing taehyun down and kissing him once more. his hand resting in taehyun's chest, feeling his heartbeat thumping loudly.

“you make me so happy taehyun” kai whispers, laying his head on taehyun's chest feeling the heartbeat. kai may not understand but as long as he feels taehyun heart beat whenever he's close like this, its enough.

no matter how complicated love would be, as long as both soobin and taehyun are happy. after all, they made him happy back.

taehyun's hand move to massage his head, fingers playing with his hair he smiles “you make me so happy too.” he says.

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