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A Stupid Love
soobin x huenigkai fic
written by: @taebin4life

My name is Huening Kai, I am cute, adorable, huggable, perfect and handsome. I got it all trait, you know i can make anyone love me with just a flick of a finger.

Except well one, his name is Choi Soobin.. he's my hyungie, he's tall, he's cute, he acts younger than me sometimes which i really adore and specially his belly is so soft like my plushie that sometimes when Taehyun hides all my plushies away all i need to do is go to Soobin hyung and it'll be like my molangie became real.

I didnt really like him at first you know? I was scared of him. I was a cute little baby when I entered big hit and suddenly a titan— a tall guy ran to hug me! I was scared.

But everyday he always call my name, always cares of me and I didn't knew its a trap! That i'll fall hard for him.

Everyday I bought him bread, dont you know how much I love it when he starts to love bread because I gave it to him? I feel like I made him happy.

And I thought then, we could be together.

But one day,

“Soobinie hyung!” My precious locks bounce as I run, my handsomeness charms emits as I face my hyung with a blinding smile.

“Oh hyuka” He acknowledges, even though he dont know I know, he likes me “You look pretty today”

“Of course” I say, because I am obviously. But his compliments is not what I come for today. “Hyung, I have something to ask”

“Yes?” His rabbit like feature seems worried, like ears going down although it is cute, I begun to feel worry too.

But i shouldn't right? After all he likes me too! Which I am not sure of but hopefully.

“Do you have a plan to date me?” This question, suddenly turned my world upside down when his face changed into more darkness. The beauty of my Soobinie hyung changed or perhaps it is my view of sadness and disappointment that my expectations of eventually proposal wouldn't be happening any sooner.

“Hyuka” he calls with his leader like tone that he uses to me when I did something wrong or annoy him “I dont want you to take the wrong way but I promise you we're only friends”

My precious flowered heart shattered, broken and could never be cure as soon as he said that.

That my dreams of me, my soobinie hyung and all of my plushies cuddling in one bed would never come to life.

“I only like you as a friend, okay?”

So how can he smile?
When my heart hurts so much?

“Okay” and I, a stupid one didn't fight for my love.


Jungkook4life: lmao why did u just said okay though? you should still go for it maybe who knows, one day, he might love you back?

>taebin4life: WAAAAAAAAA you think so?

> jungkook4life: :) yeah, it might seem impossible but loving someone doesnt mean it have to be returned as long as you always show them you love them. one day you will be rewarded.

>taebin4life: wow u sound like u had experience ;—;

>jungkook4life: of course, i always show him support even in the most stupidiest thing he does... even if its about his love life, even if i know he will never love me back.

>taebin4life: ..... that sounds so sad ;—; i love angst tho. BUT! NO! one day! you two have to be together! believe me!

>jungkook4life: ... hahaha, u're so funny. i love your works, keep writing okay? i'll always support you.

>taebin4life: thank you! ^_^

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“waaa taehyun! you wont believe this” kai ran to taehyun, who quickly turned off his phone facing kai who looks smiley.

“i got my first reader! and they said so many good things, i feel so so happy!”

“really? what a bad taste they have”

“hey! i have a talent in writing”

“okay,” taehyun smiles looking at kai adoringly. he knows kai, he knows everything that makes him happy.

“i wanna write more so they comment more!” and this is the only thing he can do to make him happy.

“how happy are you?”

“huh? a lot!”

this is the first time he made kai smile because of him and not with soobin. he wish someday, he could directly say it.

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