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Bob Ross

yeoncool: BOYFRIEND

beomguy: yes boyfriend?


soobun: what is he on

beomguy: my love ❤

yeoncool: HA!


yeoncool: i love it 😚

beomguy: anything for you ❤

yeoncool: damn gyu lemme properly love you where u @

beomguy: at the couch with taehyun beating him at mario kart while spoiling you with love

yeoncool: goddAMN IM IN LOVE. do you guys have popcorn there? i want one

beomguy: yep, hurry before soobin finishes all of them


soobin: iN UR DREAMS

so like yeonjun ran to the living room and see's kai rolling on the floor, probably doing his routine exercise, whilst soobin is munching on chips on his hand and on the other, hugging a bag of pop corn.

meanwhile beomgyu is on the couch screaming as usual, taehyun beside him silent but mouth open. but what yeonjun noticed is how close the two are with no space between them, beomgyu's elbows touching taehyun's, beomgyu is laughing and having fun with taehyun. yeonjun immediately went to the two and jumped in between them.

"choi yEONJUN I WILL WHOOP YOUR ASS" said his lover.

"kINKY, I LOVE IT" yeonjun winks.

"eww" and taehyun complains.

"im just joking, anyways hey soobin gimme dat pop corn" yeonjun commands.

soobin threw him the bag that he catches accurately, scoring to the goal with 3 points "vanish you demon"

"hey! respect your older!" yeonjun fights.

"okaY HAG" soobin retorts.

"waaa soobin yeonjun stop being noisy i lost count" kai whines.

"kai, you weren't counting you were singing yummy" taehyun stated facts.

"taehyun help me take kai to the room" soobin commands.

"okay" taehyun follows, the two of them picking the tall dizzy kai from the floor and carry him to their room, probably going to cuddle like they usually does.

"damn they're gay, are they together?" beomgyu stands up to turn off the gameplay and sat beside yeonjun, taking a bite from the pop corn that yeonjun feeds him.

"i dont know" he answers before leaning in closer to take the pop corn again, yeonjun happily feeds him.

"hey babe? close your eyes" beomgyu closes his eyes.

"what do you see babe?"


"that's my world withou- waIT WHAT"

bruh theres like, 5 chapters left and 10 bonus left.

anyway in bonuses what do you want? it can be anything.

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