LMB 39

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taehyun and beomgyu got home, they were giggling as they open the door but the inside of the dorm is dark without lights on. “where are they?” taehyun asked.

“i dont know my phone's dead” beomgyu returns his phone on his pocket, going in to press on the light's switch and brightening the room.

when a two figure on the corner shookth taehyun. “AAAAAAAH!!!!!”

“kai— soobin— why the fuck are the two of you in the corner?!”

kai sniffles, holding on to soobin's arm who's just head down low as if he has been crying “we miss taehyunie”

“uh, what is going on?” beomgyu asked. he know his members are not normal but this time he's also worried.

meanwhile taehyun is speechless amd also looks frustrated “that's not what im asking about”

soobin pouts “sometimes we still hear him"

kai nods, sobbing “waaa bring back taehyunnie beomgyu you meanie”

taehyun mouth was open. he was surprised “im not dead! ans soobin... you are in this too?”

“a taehyun ghosts is speaking to us” soobin who suddenly changed mood with his hands caressing his chin as if he have a beared said and then kai who nods enthusiastically with his hair bouncing.

beomgyu face palmed.“um... where is yeonjun?”

“probably looking for beomgyu's ghosts”

“he left?”

“he said he will find his epiphany like jin sunbaenim” soobin sobs again “he may love himself!”

“waa yeonjunnie hyung hwaiting”

taehyun looks at beomgyu nodding at him “go, find your boyfriend who knows he might be worse than these two.”

“i will, i'll leave you three” taehyun sighs but smiles and beomgyu gave him a thumbs up.




beomgyu left the dorm, chuckling to himself. the three have different relationship, actually he had always seen them as a perfect trio. he finally understands taehyun's hesitant to enter the poly relationship. probably because taehyun had always believed that kai and soobin were just meant to be and besides wasnt soobin the one asked taehyun if he likes kai? he was the one who made them two reach each other.

so to be left behind, he have to mask himself that he prefers to be alone but deep inside he wants to reach out too. the true feelings of his.

beomgyu was glad, he took time to get to know taehyun better. after all he really helped him too.

but right now, where could yeonjun be?

“ah, i should've charged my phone” he sighs. he dont know how to reach to yeonjun now. what if that boy got kidnapped? what if yeonjun got mobbed by fans— he suddenly feels worried.

“beomgyu?” he turns around, and he saw yeonjun's ex girlfriend. the hair on his arms rising up.

“s-sorry i got to go!”



“can we talk?” beomgyu gulps, he nods.

yeonjun's ex girlfriend used to be yeonjun's crush when they were trainee. she's also a trainee on other ent. she's friendly, cute and hard working too but beomgyu avoids her.

“how are you?” she asks, they sat on a cafe and beomgyu looks around uncomfortably. he's supposed to look for yeonjun right now.

“good, we won rookie grand slam”

“ahh! that's amazing, my team are waiting to debut soon”

beomgyu nods “goodluck”

“thank you” she smiles “by the way, how was yeonjun?”

“great!” he smiled “better now” he clenched his fists. he dont know why he said that.

she giggles though “i can see that.”

“we're in relationship now! and yeonjun really really loves me and he always says it to me and he's happ—” oh crap, why is it hard to continue to say things now?

“that's good. back when yeonjun and i were together, he never even said that he loves me”

beomgyu blinks, she continues “well actually its fine, we just agreed to date because we're both in confusion about our feelings to a certain friend of ours”

beomgyu looks down, “we learned that, when we were together the feelings that scares us the most does not only hurt us, but the one we care about as well. yeonjun was scared to lose you because you love him back that time right? but he thinks he's not perfect enough to be with you”

beomgyu inhales “b-but he's perfect.. he's always perfect”

she laughs “that's what we try to show and that's also what holds us back to our happiness.. but you told me things changed right? he's happy with you” she smiles “im glad at least yeonjun did it, im happy"

“how about you?”


“the one you like?”

“well... not unfortunately, i didnt have the same ending as yeonjun. my friend she— she starts liking someone else.”

beomgyu felt his heart tightened “but.. did she?”

“yeah she liked me a lot too but i became too late. she's with someone who she likes better now.”


“its fine,” but beomgyu knows it isn't “besides, im happy enough yeonjun did it that he made it with you, who loves him back just as he shows now though right? even if he's late to understand himself?”

beomgyu suddenly stiffens on his seat “actually, i'ive been kinda distant even though i asked him out”


“b-because i feel like, h-he probably dont love me? like what if he just misses me as a friend? maybe he still likes me as a friend that shows too much affection?”

“beomgyu.. did you talk with yeonjun? didnt you say he tells you he loves you all the time?”

“yeah— actually im supposed to be searching for him right now he's missing"


“well i had a date with taehyun—”

“a date with someone else?! beomgyu are you stupid look for yeonjun right now!”

“w-wh— why are you pushing me?”

“dont you understand? it hurts us to love someone too late! dont make him feel the same! tell him back!”

“okay!! see you! thank you!”

“shut up! go go! fight for my ship— i mean the love!”

beomgyu is running though he dont know why, but he felt like if he dont he'll also be too late.

he felt stupid, he's asking him questions all the time when even yeonjun says it that he loves him. but he didn't even tell him that back— how could he just forget that yeonjun kisses him? and tells him he's in love with him.

beomgyu stopped running, his knee's giving up, panting crazy.

“beomgyu?... is it really you?”

he looks up, and see's yeonjun with two bottles of soju which he suddenly drops on the ground “oh my god you are ghost beomgyu!"


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