Nice To Meet You

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I'm 18 and in college - I have training tomorrow to be someone's personal assistant. It's anonymous until I get there so I'm not sure who I'll be working for yet.

Man listen, I could die alone, I just wanna make this money.

I live with my 25 year old brother, Tegan. That's where I get that "Mo Money" mentality from. We were in a foster home until we got old enough and he made a living for us. I never knew my moms or pops. Apparently, they're both dead. Tegan don't like to talk about them when I ask, so I leave it alone.

We're pretty well off thank God, due to a won law suit Tegan had gotten when he was 20. We live in a condo out in Soho, but for right now I'm upstate, living on campus. Life is what it should be, I can't complain.

"You finished ya homework, Kami?" Tegan asked me over the phone.

"Yeah, bro...wassup?" I asked.

"You sound like a nigga- waddup with that job you supposed to be getting? the people called?" he asked.

I started to put some basketball shorts on with a T-shirt to cover my bare body.

"Yeah, I have training tomorrow. What you mean I sound like a nigga?" I threw my hair into a pony tail.

"Look, I know you grew up with me and you have boyish ways but you gotta fix that shit before you get that job Kami... You can turn people off with that tom boy behavior." He spoke.

"I ain't no damn tom boy, Tegan." I sucked my teeth.

"I bet you're wearing sweats or basketball shorts right now." He laughed.

I looked down at the shiny fabric of my shorts and stayed silent.

"That's what I thought. But ... keep it up lil sis, you doing good for yourself. This job should help you while you out there on ya own and you know if you need anything, you can call me." He reassured.

"Thanks, Tigga. I love you." I smiled.

" I love you more, fatass. I gotta go take care of some things, I'll holla at you before you go to your training. Goodnight baby sis. Don't let no niggas up in ya room either. I'll pull the fuck up." He laughed.

"Yeah whatever, T. Goodnight bro." I laughed hanging up.

I sat and looked at my new iPhone for I don't know what, my shit was always dry; I rolled my eyes and laid back on my bed.

In a matter of minutes I heard a knock on my door.

"Ughhhhh." I grunted as I rolled off the bed and crawled to my front door. I stood up and opened it.

"Wassup?" I looked up at the caramel complexioned guy who stood in my doorway.

He was about 6'0 ft and pretty cute, he had waves in his hair with brown eyes and naturally arched eyebrows with pink full lips. He wore gray polo sweats with a t-shirt and Nike slides with socks. I could've sworn I saw him on the basketball team.

"Aye... I'm Markell, ya roommate Katlyn-"

"She ain't here." I cut him off, assuming he was looking for her.

"Well damn, I wasn't searching for Kate , she told me to come check up on you..." He asked leaning on the door's frame looking at me up and down.

"Oh... I'm cool. Thanks. I don't need nobody checkin for me though. You on the basketball team, right?" I smiled.

"I see... And yeah.. How'd you know? And what's your name?" He asked.

"Look, you wanna come in? Cause we ain't finna get to know eachother with you standing out there and me standing in here. Plus-It's a little chilly in the hallway." I opened my door wider so Markell could step in.

"I thought you'd never ask." he walked in and sat on a nearby chair.

"I saw you and a couple of the other players in the gym- but I wasn't sure if it was you... now I know. But- I'm Kamille. My fault, I thought you came for Katlyn... she has a lot of niggas in and out of here." I spoke on my roomate's thotiness.

"Yeah, Katlyn type loose. I been meaning to talk you though, Kamille. Be ya friend, and all. You real quiet and lowkey, always rushin outta class- what you be up to?" He looked at me.

I laid on my stomach and rested my head on my arm.

"I don't know anybody here and I'm just tryna get my work done." I shrugged.

"I feel you, where you from though, beautiful?"

"Soho. And you? " I looked at his flawless face.

"Harlem.. Oh you from the rich area, huh?" He smiled. I laughed and shook my head.

We sat and spoke for some time and got to know eachother. We exchanged numbers.

He was pretty cool, but I had to let him go so I could get some sleep.

Tomorrow is the big day.

:Markell In Opening Photo:

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