Scheming On Tha Low (All Bad)

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"Thanks for bailing me out sis, I owe you!" Amber clapped as she got into the car. I was glad she was so happy, cuz I was finna turn her whole world up side down when we got home. Aug was in the car and he knew exactly how I felt. This shit she pulled costed me about 8,000 cash - and our little vacation was cut short. I was beyond pissed. I sat in the passenger seat and looked over at aug with red eyes and a flared nose that told him "you better talk to her..." - I had so many questions , but since I was on the verge of slapping the living shit out of her... I couldn't bring myself to do anything but rapidly shake my leg. "Yo, Amber- we need a explanation , sweetheart... we gotchu out the system nd shit with all that money but you killed a 19 year old girl- what the fuck was up with that? Cause 8k - don't come by easily shorty." Aug said as he pulled off. Amber started to explain everything and to be honest with you... the shit was not adding up. Lyasia was
Pregnant, Amber beat her ass, and left her all alone with messiah so he could "take care" of her, then ... she gets arrested for the death of the girl. I looked at the documents that the police gave me, and it told me what else went down.
Apparently, Messiah brought Lyasia to the hospital badly beaten with broken ribs and a fractured skull. Her stomach was kicked multiple times and she struggled to breathe normally. Within 2 hours of trying to get her in stable condition, her heart gave in and she died. Messiah's bitch ass snitched on Amber all high and dry like it was nothing.
If y'all ask me, Amber ain't got the heart to do this kinda shit...but Messiah does- and he was gon get his... All it took was a text to Tegan.
Since Amber was so grown, I was gon teach her a lesson she would never forget, and no one was gon stop me, not even Aug.
"I know Tegan wants nothing to do with me, so what's gon happen now?" Amber asked. "Kamille taking you in. You staying in the guest room until Tegan feels comfortable with you around again. You gon have to travel to school everyday from here, and keep ya grades up if you gonna stay with us. This disrespectful shit ain't gon fly in my crib- you def ain't paying no typa bills to be acting up like that- your phone? You ain't gon have that neither- " Aug gave out all the requirements and punishments that I told him to give out before we got the little devil. "Fair enough." Amber vaguely said. Bitch, where is your remorse I thought.
Soon we got home and I ran upstairs to change into comfortable shit real fast. "She hasn't said anything to me yet! What's wrong?!" I heard her ask August. "Alot." he blatantly said. I put my hair into two cornrows. "ughhhh it feels so good to be home!" I heard Amber beam. "You have no idea." I said through my teeth. Aug walked into the bathroom. "Baby be easy on her, she's only 16." He said out of compassion- "Nah, Aug... she grown...she real grown. She done proved herself to me."
I said walking out of the bathroom and barging into the guest room where Amber was on the phone. The disrespect was real. "Hang it up." I said standing there in sweats and a T-shirt. "I'm almost done... wait." she said getting back to her conversation . Lord Jesus give me strength. "Hang that FUCKIN PHONE UP." I yelled. She looked at me like a sucked a dog's dick,but she quickly hung it up. "Fuck is wrong with you, Kami?!" She held on to her chest. "Shoot ya shits. Square the fuck up." I said throwing my hands. "Wh-what? What're you doing?!" Amber was caught by surprise. "You having sex... you doing drugs... you damaging bitches... damage me, Amber! Please! Ima show you how a hood bitch really get down... you bout to see the real Kamille , I ain't gon tell you to square up again!" I got closer to her. I was sick of Amber acting like she ran shit... the bitch still had milk on her tongue. "This is random! Why Kamille?! I don't wanna hurt you, you're my sister!" Amber said causing me to catch her with a right hook across her jaw. "Hurt me? You must've been smoking dust! Come on Amber, let's do this... you been trying me. Get the fuck up." I said pulling her up by her shirt.
I was professional and real level headed... but truth is... I was a hell of a fighter when I was younger. All that street shit went out the window when I got accepted into college. I haven't been this mad since Rihanna cracked me with that bottle.
Amber got some type of courage and she swung at me and missed, I instantly uppercutted her shit. "Oh yeah?" I laughed, grabbing her hair and swinging her around the room. "Kamille! Stop! You're hurting me!" Amber cried out. I got on top of her and starting slapping her... I wanted to deck her, but she was still my sister. "Baby! Stop! Stop!" Aug came running in and picking me up off of her. "Kamille, I fuckin hate you! You fat bitch! I hope you die!" She screamed and tried to spit on me. "Get off me Aug or you gon get this ass whoopin! " I yelled. "She don't mean it, ma! She don't! Let's go!" Aug yelled and carried me out the room. "You done fucked up , big sis!!! You really did!!" I heard her say before slamming the door. "Let me get herrrrr!!! Get off!!" I was extremely heated and didn't take threats too well. Aug started to kiss on my neck - he knew that calmed me down. "Relax, sexy... I gotchu... you made your point bae." He said in that thick accent. "You heard her threaten my life!" I over exaggerated. "Shhh.. just lay back Kami... Ima make you feel better, just calm down.." Aug kissed his way down to my navel- soon, moans were escaping my lips and all my inhibitions were being let go of.
FUCK KAMILLE. I don't give a fuck that she rescued me and helped me out, she had noooo right to put her hands on me. I meant it when I said she fucked up...she ain't know who she was fuckin with. Since she told me her business and how she was beefing with Rih and Nicki- I DMed the both of them on twitter with crucial information that could help them crack Kamille and Aug's case and expose them for the fakers they were...and it was gon begin with this picture I just took of his face In between her legs. I loved how Kamille was so against Messiah but yet she was lying to her agency, Markell, and the media about everything going down between them two. Her world was about to come crashing down on her pretty little biracial head-Karma could be such a bitch.
Shockingly Amber made a huge turn around after I whooped her narrow ass. She was back to being that sweet innocent girl I adopted. We grew our relationship back to where it was. Everything was going great between Aug and I and we were about to make 9 months together in complete secrecy. All up until that one faithful day...
Aug and I had just left Starbucks and a couple of agents approached me about Rihanna's robbery, and I was taken in for questioning and a lie detector test.
Long story short- me and Aug's pictures got leaked onto the internet and our whole relationship went viral and so did the fact that I set Rihanna up. (Yeah, I confessed.)
Nicki and Rih definitely got what they wanted cause I definitely been in jail now for about 3 months for Robbery and assault - and I been counting down the other three months till my release and I had nothing but time to plan my civilized revenge. Bail wasn't an option for me, Rihanna made sure I was in as deep as I could be. I was kicked out of school and fired as Aug's assistant and just as I thought things couldn't get worse... I caught wind that Azika and Aug were really dating now and they made it official within the time I been in here... triflin much? I know, but Markell stuck around like the down ass nigga I knew he was raised to be... at first he was mad when he found out about our secret relationship, then he saw what I was going through and he started to support me throughout everything but guess who was still living the luxury life that I gave her? fuckin Amber. Aug still had her living with him because Tegan refused to have that devil seed around. My trust issues were through the roof. I been betrayed by people who supposedly loved me and out of my many associates, Markell, Tegan , Karreuche, and Breezy have been the only ones holding it down for me. So at this lovely point in my life, I can proudly say... fuck August, fuck the agency for not taking my side, fuck Azika, fuck my college, fuck Amber, fuck Rihanna, and fuck Nicki- they can all lay 6 feet under for all I care! I'm just... over it. Take this from me, Trust Nobody... that "Love" shit, don't last forever.
"BABY, IM SORRY!" I ran after Azika butt naked. I did it again. I yelled out Kamille's name during sex. I couldn't help that I missed her so much. I really tried to move on with Azika cuz she's been pressuring me, but I knew my heart belonged to Kamille. "I don't see what the fuck your deal is! How about you go get that fat bitch out of jail and marry her. I'm tired of you hitting this pussy and imagining her big ass! Like ... let me do that to you and see how you like it! Maybe I should call out Trey Songz name! Or maybe even Bowwow!" Azika threw her hands up. Bowwow? Really bitch? That girl was really annoying. I'm talking serious fights every other day, forreal. Yeah , Azika was my girlfriend but without Kamille here, shit has been going hella bad for me. I miss my baby- I regret ever jumping into things with Azika because she said so... maybe it was time for me to go see Kami on the island. It's been too long and I want her to know I'm sorry, because I'm sure she knows we been over. There was no more Kam and August... and guess who fucked that up, I did... but Amber was the start of it.
Amber was heading back to foster care real soon because I knew she caused all this shit to happen to us and she did it outta fuckin spite- how one girl could be that evil to someone who took her in and gave her the finer things in life? I could never understand but ... All I knew was that she kept right the fuck on flirting with me, and she kept doing her dirt; she wasn't gon be around for much longer, believe that.

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