Bun In The Uh-Ven

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"So everything good?" I asked Tegan over the phone. "Yeah, It was a little tough but I had to spend some bread to get her out of there." He said. "Alright...Tegan, enroll her little ass in my old highschool, she's behind but I'll pay for her to be put in the right grade and she can be tutored and all that. Can you drop her off tomorrow so I can take her shopping? I have a class in the morning so I can't drive down there." I rubbed my temples. "Yeah... no doubt- I gotchu sis. I still can't believe this shit...But ima get her settled in and used to me- ima call you later." Tegan spoke. "No diggity." I said hanging up the phone. Aug came and laid next to me. "Everything straight,baby?" He asked. "Yeah, this shit is mind boggling though." I bit my lip and looked at my phone. "I know, ma. Yo, you think you have any other brothers or sisters out there?" Aug asked. I smirked. "Boy... I hope not." I said shaking my head. "Babe... I'm going out with Azika today." Aug honestly spoke. I looked at him and got up from his bed. "Do what you want, August. Just know, ima get mines, too." I said with a attitude as I walked to his bathroom. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" He said walking after me. "It means that I'm gonna have my share of niggas just like you're going to have your share of bitches! Fuck outta here. Double standards ain't flying over here." I flipped my hair as I flung the medicine cabinet open... I had no clue why I did it, I ain't even know why I was in the damn bathroom. "What you mean? Fuck a double standards Kami, no bitch of mines is gonna be a thot!" Aug got bass in his voice. I looked at him like he done lost his damn mind. "Bitch of yours? Kamille Jacobs ain't ever been no one's bitch, okay? And I ain't gon become one today. Get out my way! You done lost ya rabbit ass mind." I pushed him and switched my ass to the kitchen. "But you're my girlfriend, stupid- Therefore, you're my bitch! I don't care what you say. You not fucking with no other nigga, but Aug." He hit his chest. "Shut ya lame ass up... last time I checked, this body mine, these lips is mine, and this pussy... is sure as hell mines. I can give everything I have to whoever the fuck I want. You don't own shit. I only said all that shit in bed cause I was sprung. Shit, not no more." I rolled my eyes and opened the fridge to get some water. Aug looked at me like he was stuck on stupid. I took a swig of water and smirked at him. "That's what the fuck I thought." I said walking my fat ass past him. I won. I thought.
August grabbed my arm and threw me over the counter. My stomach hit the polished wood. "Aug, what the fu- aaaaghhhhh!!" I screamed in pain and pleasure as Aug swiftly pulled my panties down and rammed his dick into me. My kitty was just always naturally wet so it wasn't hard to get into the groove of the pounding he was giving me. I couldn't even protest to getting my back blown out. Baby was fucking the air out of my lungs. All I could do was keep my mouth open and make faces.

Aug had his hand wrapped around my throat as he killed my pussy from the back. He bent over and bit my ear. "What's that shit you was talking, Kamille?! Talk that shit you was talking... talk that fucking shit you was talking, ma." Aug grunted. "S-s-s-stoopppppp." I moaned while holding on to Aug's arm. His aggression was turning me the hell on. "What's that? Deeper? okay..." Aug said thrusting harder and deeper making me yell out In agony. "Nooooo! I- c-c-can't t-t-t-ake it!!" I tried to get the sentence out.

"Who's pussy is this?" He asked. "Yours!" I tried running from the dick. Aug slowed down then stopped and turned me around to look at him. I could tell I looked a mess. "Step out them panties." He said rubbing his bare dick. thats when it hit me. "Aug! Where the fuck is your condom!?"" I spat. He pulled out a magnum from I don't know where, but he held it up to my face. I sucked my teeth. "We gon finish what you started, baby girl. We gon establish who's pussy this is, today." Aug boasted as he rolled the condom onto his thick shaft. I stepped out of my panties. Aug held my chin up and tongued me down. He slowly picked me up and had my legs wrapped around his waist. I held onto the back of his neck , Shit... If he tripped over something, we were both going down. He lifted my ass a bit, then he slowly put it in. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. I bit on Aug's lower lip. He started to move me up and down his shaft rapidly. I heard my ass clapping and I could tell August liked it by the way he moaned into my neck. He had a fistful of my hair in his hands. "I'ma ... I'ma ... C-c-c-ummmm!"I moaned out loud as I busted one on his dick. "You love me?" Aug said as he continued to thrust into me. "Yes, baby" I said outta breath. Aug laid me across the counter, then slid it in again. "So you ain't mean what you said? this my pussy, hmm?" He asked me. "I didn't mean it. It's all yours... I love you daddy." I said kissing his chest. "I love you more, don't ever pull that shit again... next time, I won't have so much mercy." Aug kissed me and worked on busting his nut, but not before I busted 5 more of my own.

"S'cuse me? Can you show me where the pregnancy tests are?" I tapped the darkskin kid. from the back, he looked young . He turned around and looked me up and down. He was a fine as hell. "Umm yeah, follow me." he said walking ahead of me. The pregnancy test wasn't for me, it was for Karreuche. She sent me to pick it up cause she didn't need the media in her business and since I'm not so known, I did her that favor. "I'm sorry but, is you pregnant, ma?" He asked handing me the box that contained the test. I smiled at him. "Nah." I shook my head. "Good, cause I wanna get to know you. I'm Jah." he smirked and held his hand out. "I'm Kamille." I shook his hand. He squinted a bit then laughed "Oh- shit! Wait, you August Aslina assistant?" He asked putting his fist to his mouth. "Yeah and it's Alsina" I smiled. "So who this test for, baby girl?" He raised an eyebrow. "A friend of mines... Why you so nosy?" I looked at him. "Cause... I'm tryna get at you and I don't want no other nigga seed in you while I'm doing so." He said. Jah was so handsome... He was about 5'11 and darkskin. His smile was something. "Hmph , well like I said... This is for my friend. But I gotta go, so ring this up for me? Then I'll give you my number." I handed him the test and walked ahead of him to the cash register.
He rang me up then quickly gave me his phone. I gave him a look of confusion. "Your number?" He asked. "Ohhh." I laughed then gave him a fake number. Jah was cute, but I ain't feel like dealing with no more niggas.

"Now I know you a little lightskinned, but don't be hollywood and not text me back iight?" He bit his lip. I looked up at him and nodded. "Bye, Jah." I said walking away, making sure he got a nice view of my phat ass.
"So y'all finally did the nasty, huh? That dick bomb, ain't it girl?!" Karreuche clapped. "I ain't gon lie to you, daddy is gifted." I bit my lip. "So where y'all stand, now? y'all still doing this undercover bullshit?" She asked holding up the pregnancy test box. "We in a lowkey relationship, yes." I twirled my hair. "It's gon be some sick shit when y'all finally come out as a couple to the media." Karreuche said shaking her head. "Thats why we ain't trying to no time soon! now let's see what that test says." I lightly kicked her back as I was laid across her bed. "Girl I'm scared!" Karreuche said as she got up and paced back and forth. "Don't be, Get in there and pee on that stick!" I said in anticipation . "Kamille..-" "'Kamille' my ass! Go! The sooner you find out, the better."  I arose and pushed her into the bathroom. She sighed and went in and closed the door. "Lawd! Don't fail me now!" She yelled out. I laughed a bit but I knew she was beyond scared. If she turned out to be pregnant, that would've been a whole new thing to get prepared for in her life.  My phone vibrated, it was Aug:
Zaddy💪😈: Still with Kay?
Me: Yup, what you up to, bae?
Zaddy 💪😈: I'm with Azika. I miss you, ma. You gonna come thru tonight right ?     👉👌Lmaoo.
Me: Lol, tell Azika to come thru. I gotta spend some time with Markell.

"Ewww!!! I got pee on my hand!" Karreuche squealed.

Zaddy💪😈: Daddy need some good pussy. Baby, I want yours. So see that Markell nigga after I fuck ya spine up tonight 😏.
Me: You so nasty 🙊🙊. Okay, I'll see you at 9. You got one hour.
Zaddy💪😈: That's all I fuckin need. Oh nd tell Karreuche that she gon have to tell Breezy she pregnant, sooner or later.
Me: How TF did you figure?
Zaddy😈💪: I know these things. Ima holla at you later baby girl, Azika on my ass. I love you Mrs. Alsina😘

I was too busy cheesing at the text to realize that Karreuche been came out the bathroom and she just had a look of despair on her face. "Kay, baby ... What did it say?" I asked holding her hand and walking over to her bed. "I'm aborting it." She looked down at her feet. "So you are pregnant. How dare you say some shit like that! Do you know that's killing a gift from god himself!? I should slap the shit out of you." I was pissed. "Kamille you not in this fuckin situation ! I am! I don't know the first thing about being a parent! I don't know how to be a mother ! I'm too young! I'm not ready...." She grabbed her head. "Well who's fault is that? You was bussin it all open for breezy and now you knocked up. You have to deal with it mama. Getting a abortion is not a valid option and you know it. This pregnancy is a blessing, yes... you're young but you and Chris are also old enough to take care of a child and y'all not In this alone, girl. I'm here, and so is Aug." I rubbed her cheek. Karreuche sat quietly for some time. "So... you're gonna help me out through whatever?" She looked at me with glossy eyes. "You know this, you my bestfriend." I smiled at her. "Bestfriend, huh? I like how that sounds. I love you Kami! You're the best bitch a bitch could ask for. I'll keep the baby."

:Picture of Jah in opening photo:

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