Meet The Alsina's

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"She's so pretty, uncle aug!" Aug's niece Amaiya said. "That's his girllllfrienddd." Diamel giggled. "Is that your real hair , Kamille?" Madison asked. They were all so cute. I laughed. "Would ya'll mind ya'll little ass necks?! and no, Diamel, she ain't my girlfriend." Aug stuck his tongue out at her . "What you know about real and fake hair, miss thing?" I squeezed Madison's little cheeks. She smiled at me with her missing tooth. "Well we all know that uncle Aug likes to take pictures with girls that wear weave." She poked out her tiny lips. "Mhmmmmm." The three of them said in unison. August and I laughed. "Is that my baby boy?!" I heard a woman's voice. I'm guessing it was Aug's mother. The lady came into the living room. She had her hair cut in a nice pixie cut. She was lightskin and wore a pantsuit. She looked like a lawyer. "Maa!!" Aug hopped up like a little kid and hugged his mother. She was beautiful. She was so happy to see him. "Awww." I sighed. "Is this her?!" Aug's mother turned her attention to me. I got up and smiled at her. "Pleased to meet you, Ms. Alsina." I held out my hand to shake hers. "Kamille! you're absolutely stunning!" She disregarded my hand and hugged me. "Aww, thank you! so are you!" I inhaled her perfume...mhmm...Chanel 5.

"I hope Anthony's been decent- or atleast halfway. I swear , sometimes he acts like he was raised by a bunch of dogs." She laughed calling Aug by his middle name. "You have a fine young man, here, Ms.Alsina." I tapped August. And I did mean fine. "Oh please, call me Reina." She grinned at me. "Ughhh... you're beautiful! it's about time ! Anthony likes to bring the ghetto girls around. I'm glad my eyes can take a rest now." Reina sighed. "Ma, she only my assistant! you over here acting like she's my fiancée." Aug made a face. "She's you're assistant?!" Reina looked shocked. Aug nodded. "So young? you must be smart - or really career driven. Are you still in school, Hun?" She looked at me. "Yes, ma'am." I said. "Well y'all must be hungry- I'm gonna go clean up and start preparing dinner, Kamille baby, you know how to throw down in the kitchen?" She asked unbuttoning her blazer. "I know a lil somethin, somethin, Miss Reina. I'd be more than happy to help you in the kitchen." I smiled at her. " I love you, already! Okay let me go get ready. " She scurried away. "Aye," August tapped my shoulder , I looked at him. "You good with hair, right?" he asked. I looked down as Diamel peeked at me from behind her uncle's legs with her hair in a curly Afro. I smiled at her. "No doubt. Come on, Diamel." I said getting the hair grease and comb from my bag.

I looked at the design I did on Diamel's hair. Bomb. I braided the front into the structure of a princess tiara and straightened the back of her hair. "This is sooo cute! Amaiya! Madison! come look at what Kamille did!" she squealed and called the other two over. Aug smiled and looked at me. "You iight, you can't braid better than me though." He nudged me. I laughed. "Kamille, can you do mines next?!" Amaiya snatched the hair tie out of her hair and purposely messed it up. "Me too!" Madison squealed. "Ya'll gon have to wait, Kamille- I'm ready for you baby girl." Reina was dressed in a shirt and capri's with an apron. "Lawd... Mama, keep Kami out the kitchen. She won't know what to do with soul food." Aug teased. I got up and followed Reina into the kitchen but not before sticking my tongue out at August, causing Amaiya, Madison, and Diamel to giggle.

"Where'd you learn to make collard greens, Kamille?! Your mama?" Reina gasped at my immediate preparation of the greens. I laughed. "No, it's just something I picked up- I grew up without biological parents Miss Reina. It's only my big brother and I. Being a young woman, I was forced to learn how to prepare and cook meals for us. He a man, and you know , ain't no man cooking. they'll starve first." I laughed putting the smoked turkey neck bones on the fire. She laughed but soon got serious. "No parents? -you know what - it's none of my business. Pass me the macaroni , baby." She spoke. I could tell she was curious, so I told her my story.

"You're so smart and humble, baby. I've never came across a young person like you, let alone, a woman. Keep your head up mama. You got it going on. " She softly elbowed me , causing me to giggle. "Thanks Miss Reina." I smiled.

We were about done with cooking, I just had to make the cornbread. Me and Aug's mom were getting along so well. I never knew what it was like to be around an actual mother and feel the love, now I knew what it was like... and I really liked the feeling.

"These greens is good as shit!" Aug exclaimed at the table. "Uncle Aug!" Madison kicked him. "Sorry, Maddy. Ma, where you get this recipe from?" He spoke with his mouth full. "Chew and swallow your food. I raised you better than that. Kamille made the greens." Reina said taking a bite out of her piece of chicken. Aug looked at me and cleared his throat. "Oh... well, they alright. But the cornbread is the best. Good job, ma." He fronted on me, hard. I rolled my eyes. "Kamille made that too, asshole." Reina said causing me to laugh. "You cook good, Kamille." Amaiya smiled at me with greens stuck in her teeth. "Thank you , baby girl" I blew her a kiss.


Is it me ... Or is Kamille being treated like my new perfect girlfriend? I didn't see this shit coming, but I do admit- I love every bit of it. My princesses love Kamille , and my queen loves her too. Shorty can chef it up, too! she's just full of surprises. I just gotta see what her pussy game like so I could just marry her. Nah, I'm I ain't...kinda...kinda not.

We were all done eating and after the dishes were cleaned we all showered and allat then, we sat in the living room watching Finding Nemo, as Kamille did Amaiya's hair, then Madison's. Kamille was the real MVP. True definition of a down ass assistant. She was all that. I looked over at her in her pajamas and she was focused on my niece's hair. My moms leaned over and whispered to me "Whatever it is you have with that girl, don't you fuck it up." We both looked at her. I whispered back. "I won't ma, If anything, i'll make sure we grow closer. I promise."

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