Friday pt.2

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"Get the fuck off of her!!!" 

Now, Aug ain't no woman beater but ... I was snuffing bitches. I love my fans, but sometimes they get a lil TOO crazy. Poor Kami.

 Lil mama held her own for as long as she could; thank God the police came soon cause I was gettin tired of yanking these hoes off of this girl.

By the time Kami was up she had a busted lip and she was covered in soda. Baby girl - was- pissed. The police were holding her back cause she wanted to get at atleast one of them broads. I felt so bad. She was still a baddie with a busted lip, and soda lotion, if you ask me.


The ride back was... silent.

"I don't know if I could do this..." She finally spoke. "Do what?" I looked over at her. "Your fans are crazy, Aug! them bitches damn near killed me! If my life is in danger just because I work for you, it ain't worth it, August! you don't even appreciate me enough!" Kami yelled at me.

 I pulled over and looked at her. She had changed into a T-shirt of mines and leggings. She washed her hair in the bathroom so she was straight. I shook my head. "When you applied for this job, what did you expect?" I simply asked.

 "To assist. To do what I gotta to do, and get paid" She responded. "Right... so when you found out that you were working for a young singer that's in high demand, what the fuck did you expect after that?!" I asked her raising my voice a little. She said nothing.

 "You know what's crazy? when I was treating you like shit, you stuck around and rocked with me. Now that I'm actually starting to like ya ass you wanna up and leave? you weak. And those the type of people I DONT fuck with..." I was mad now. I didn't want her to leave. I ain't even want her thinkin bout it. 

"You know I was fuckin with you since day 1, Aug." Kamille softened up. I sighed and looked at her. "If you leave, that just shows that you were never fuckin with me to begin with. It'll show that you can't handle pressure in which I know you can. you handled 17 of them bitches like a G. That's why I need you around Kamille. I don't need a fragile assistant who would break over any little thing. I want someone as strong as you. With a booty like yours and shit. I only want you as my assistant. Kamille Jacobs gets the fuckin job done." I smiled and poked her cheek causing her to smile too.

 "So, is it us against the world, again?" I asked. "You already know." She said right before I pulled off.


Kamille's crib was nice. She unlocked her front door and said "Family, I'm home!" I couldn't wait to meet her parents. I wanted to see if her mother was as gorgeous as her or if she looked like her pops. A man with a trimmed Rick Ross beard and waves in his hair poked his head out. "Kamille?! lil sis!!" he ran out and hugged her. He was in a T-shirt and sweats, he was obviously older than me, but still young. "wassup, man? I'm Tegan, Kamille's brother, mother, and father." he turned his attention to me giving me a pound. I laughed thinking he was joking. Kamille looked at me in a serious manner. I was honestly just lost.

We sat in the living room and just talked. "I hear you an asshole... you treating my baby sister good?" he grilled me. He was grilling the shit outta me. "No doubt, bro. She's a pleasure to have around." I nudged her. She blushed. "Where's y'all parents?" I asked causing Kami to clear her throat in discomfort. "You must not have heard me when I said, Im her brother, mother, AND father." Tegan said. "You were serious ?" I asked. "Yeah, my nigga. How you didn't know?" he asked. "I don't know, Kami doesn't speak on her private life much, " I shrugged. "Nah, you just didn't care enough to find out about it. But that's good. It's none of your business anyways." Tegan shrugged. This nigga was coming down all crazy. "Tegan..." Kamille looked at him and signaled for him to play nice. I honestly ain't care, I wasn't sleeping with the nigga tonight, and if anything- I was pretty sure I could knock him out, he wasn't scaring me. "Ayo! What happened to your lip?!" he got up and touched his sister's face. "Nothin, I just got into a little scrap," she pushed his hand away. "With who? yo, you know anything about this?! Who the fuck did this to my baby sis?!" he raised his voice at me. "Alsina supporters.." I spoke sensing his pain. "Wh?- Alsina?- your fucking fans?! my nigga.." He was mad. "Tigga! stop! it wasn't his fault! they don't like me!!" Kami pushed him out of my face. "Aug, can I have some time alone with him please?!" she seemed desperate for me to leave. I nodded and stepped out. I felt Tegan, that was his pride and joy right there, I understand that, But- Kamille gon need to get her fuckin brother under control.


"Calm the fuck down!!" I yelled at Tegan. "Where was he when they were jumping you, Kamille?!" Tegan shook me up. I pushed him. "He was right there, fighting with me! so have some damn respect! it wasn't his fault! look, I know you lookin out for me- , but I'm not a baby, don't treat me like one." I said wrapping my arms around his waist. He hugged me. "I'm sorry, Kam. I'm just worried about you, okay? I missed you. I don't want you gettin hurt , fuckin with a nigga every bitch wants. Now be honest with me, how's he treatin you?" He lowered his voice. "He's fine, Tigga. give him a chance. I want you to apologize to him." I spoke softly. Tegan nodded. "Yeah, I owe him one."


I sat in Kamille's room and looked around. It was royal blue and she had posters of Trey Songz, Tyga,

I heard a knock at the door and in came Kami and her thug life brother. "Aye man, my fault for comin' at you sideways. This my baby girl, and-" hey look... it's all good. I got nothin but love for ya baby sister. Shit, this my assistant right here, I don't want nothin to happen to her either. You got my respect, and so does she." I squeezed her cheek. Tegan gave me a hug then a pound. "We straight?" he asked. "No, doubt." I shot him a smile. We stood there in awkward silence. "So y'all gon leave soon? I got a couple bitches comin over and I gotta straighten up ." He laughed. "keep em out my room.." Kami raised an eyebrow. " He laughed and left the room. I looked at Kamille and pulled her in to hug her. I kissed her forehead. She smiled at me. "What was that for?" she asked. " got me on ya wall. About 3 times." I laughed. She turned red. "Oh my god... I forgot about those- Well... y'all were my dream guys..." She pointed to all of our faces. "Now that I know all of you niggas, I don't want y'all ." She laughed. "We all know, that you want me. Them posters just confirmed it." I smirked. Kamille just looked at me and bit her lip. "Ima go shower and change...Then we can leave." She said. I nodded and watched her walk away. Each cheek bouncing in tune with her steps.

Soon, Kamille came out in a oversized red Stussy crop top with white H&M joggers and Carmine 6's. Her hair was wet and wavy. Guess she washed the soda out some more. She smelled like Victorias Secret's Endless Love. With all the bitches I fuck with, I know them type of perfumes by heart. "You ready?" she asked me. "Yes ma'am."

I was ready for her to meet my family. Kamille proved herself worthy.


Tegan in M/M

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