Long Lost

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When I woke up the next morning, I went to the bathroom. I was still out of it until I realized how sore my fuckin body was. "Uughhhh" I groaned when I sat on the toilet. It hasn't fully hit me yet that I lost my virginity last night. Everything felt so... unreal. I wiped and I saw little spots of blood. I sucked my teeth at the sight.
After I did all of that , I brushed my teeth and took my aching ass to the kitchen. I was starving. I started to make bacon and chocolate chip waffles for Aug and I.
"Working Monday night, on the corner flipping hard
Made at least three thousand, on the Boulevard
I've been working graveyard, shifts every other weekend
Ain't got no fucking time to party on the weekend
I've been flipping in the house, making jugs on the highway
I've been riding out of state, making money like my way
I don't think that I should dance, I'm just gon have another drink-" I sang along to "Tuesday" by IloveMakonnen and twerked as I cooked.
I heard a knock on the door. "Who the fuck-?" I said to myself. I walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. There stood a girl with chinky eyes and long hair. She looked about 16. I swear to god this better not have been one of Aug's thots. I unlocked the door and looked down at her 5'5 slim frame. I said nothing. "K-K-Kamille Jacobs?!" She squealed. I stepped back and dimmed my eyes. "Yes, now who are you?" I asked looking her up and down. She looked like she had just ran away. Her converse were torn up, and and she had a black trash bag I could tell was full of clothes. I felt bad for her. "I'm Amber! You're way prettier than what I expected.i can kinda see the resemblance between us... Ughhh You're gorgeous!
I'm kinda cold... tired....And very hungry. it's been a few days trying to get to you, and I have no money. Can I...please come in?" She asked. It was a little cold outside and I felt sorry for the girl. I stepped aside so she could come in, hoping Aug wouldn't wake up. "Talk quietly... My boss is asleep. I'll make you some breakfast. So, why are you here? Sweetie, did you run away?" I asked adding more bacon to the pan. "I was in a foster home... I had to get out of there! I was constantly being molested and abused! I went to the office and tried to see if I had any family members at all that I could run too. My parents passed away. The people at the office checked me for some time and they found that I had the same blood type as a girl and a boy who was once in the foster system as well-" The more Ambar spoke, the faster my heart began to beat. "They told me the only thing they could do, was give me names. Tegan Jacobs... and Kamille Jacobs. So... I did a shitload of research. We all have the same mother. My father was Italian... Whereas, yours was african. Our mother was Japanese. She couldn't take care of you guys, so she put y'all in the home after your father was shot and killed. 2 years later, she had me... I was 5 when she died from contracting AIDS. As far as my father... He was a massive coke head- so you can probably guess how he died. It's all so ironic you know?
3 days ago... It was my last straw... my foster brothers would always touch me and I would always get beat up for being mixed and pretty. So I tracked you down then left on a journey to find my long lost siblings- and here I am- Amber Li. Your sister. These are all my belongings... It's not much, but... I really had to leave. Look-" Amber lifted her sweater to expose her cuts and bruises. My heart started to hurt. Everything was happening all too fast. She lowered her sweater nd pulled her lip down to show that the inside of it was busted. "How old are you ?" I asked. "I'm 16..." She spoke. I gave her her plate of breakfast and she began to bust it down. Where would she stay? I'm in college ! Tegan is far and he's at work .. And this just wasn't gonna work. "Babygirl... you have to go back, you know that. you can't just run from a foster home... there's legal shit involved." I could swear I heard her heart break. Amber started to cry and beg "Kamille pleasee don't make me go back there! They'll kill me! I need you! Please don't do this! Please don't send me backkk." She pleaded and tears were just falling. I was hurt. I took her in my arms. "Okay, Amber... Okay. don't cry mama. I'm gonna get Tegan to go and take you back to the home and sign you out, so we can have custody of you. Its gonna be okay." I rubbed her back. She smelled of mildew. Her hair hasn't been washed and I can tell she hasn't taken a shower in a while. Aug walked in and a look of 'what the fuck' was just written all over his gorgeous face. "Who is this?" He asked walking closer to us. "Oh my god! August Alsina!! You work for him? Hi! I'm Amber! Huge fan!" Amber jumped up and sniffed. She held her hand out for him to shake. Aug looked at her hand then looked at me. "Kamille... who is this?" He rudely said. I pulled Amber back and held on to her. "Aug... this is my little sister."
:Amber in opening photo:

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