Tickle First, Then Lust.

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"If this fat bitch is having trouble, y'all let her know where she could find me." I read Rihanna's tweet out loud while in bed. "Oh, she don't know me..." I shook my head. Aug came out the bathroom and hopped in the bed with me. "Wassup?" he looked at my Mac. "This bitch set- trippin." I exhaled . My phone started to ring. I picked up.

"Yo, you beefing with Rih?!" Tegan asked. I brought my hand down my face. "Apparently." I said. " when you see her, fuck that bitch up." He said. August cackled , I guess he heard what Tegan said. I rolled my eyes. "I can't, Tegan. As much as I want to. I gotta be professional." I said. "I'm at work, my mans just showed me what she said about you, you gotta shut that shit down , Kami. You know I ain't raise you to be no punk." He spoke . I sucked my teeth. " I know, bro. " I held my phone away from my ear and I made a face. Aug grabbed my phone and said "wassup, T?!"

"Nothin, we just outside- food shopping..." Aug lied, as they started to have a conversation. I got out the bed and walked to the bathroom where I left my headphones. Today was the kinda day to just stay in. It was raining outside and aug and I had already taken our showers , but we were back in house clothes- Aug in his basketball shorts, and me in my oversized tshirt and red boy shorts.

By the time I walked back into the room, Aug was going through my phone. I jumped on him and tried to snatch it back. "What you got to hide?!" he said moving it away from me. "Aug, gimme!" I reached and fought for it. I straddled him and kept stretching for my phone , I hate when people go through my shit without reason , but Aug thought he had the right to everything that had to do with me. "Fuck it, I don't care." I hopped off of him and pouted. "Aaaghhh!" he stuck his tongue out at me. I rolled me eyes and got under the covers ready to take a nap. "Baby..." he said tapping my butt. I ignored him. "chunky monkey.. you ain't sleep...you know wha-" this nigga started to tickle me . I was laughing and fighting for dear life. I hated to be tickled! I always felt that my life was in danger when it happened - plus I'd be scared of giggling so hard I'd end up farting. My life may have been in danger, but not more than the tickler.... fuckin with me, Aug was finna catch a black eye.

My sides were hurting and I got weak from trying to fight him off. I just laid there laughing in pain. Aug looked at me and smiled. "Why you so happy?" He asked. Cause you make me happy. Duh, nigga. I wanted to say. Instead I said "There's a lot to be happy about, I'm blessed to be alive another day." I sat up. "Yeah, and I'm blessed to have my healthy family... and your beautiful ass." Aug leaned in and started to kiss me. He got on top of me and laid me down as his tongue danced with mines. My hands traveled up and down his back and to his hair. He started to suck on my neck. I wanted August in the worst way. I bit my lip and let out a soft moan as his hands went past my boy shorts and into my panties. "You wet already ..." he whispered into my neck- he started to rub my clit and put one finger in and out .... One thing lead to another and baby boy was eating my pussy like before, but even better. He made me cum 3 more times. Seeing my honey drip from his lip was an amazing thing. To think he said I wasn't his type... I was too big...it was all bullshit. He was developing a taste for my kitty on the regular...

Ladies... There's hope for everyone. Half of the time niggas be frontin.

After getting that Amazing Alsina Head, me and Aug fell fast asleep, with me in his arms of course. August had me crushing hard. I just want us to be on the same page.

But back to Rihanna stank ass though... Best believe I'm gunnin for her ass.

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