I Did What-?

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Messiah quickly hopped Into his drawers and fought off Lyasia for some time. "AMBER!! Run!" He yelled at me while I was too shook to move. I fumbled around trying to find my clothes. "HOW THE FUCK YOU GON CHEAT ON ME MESSIAH?! IM PREGNANT WITH YOUR BABY AGAIN AND YOU STILL CHEATING??!! I HELD YOUR BLACK ASS DOWN! I GAVE YOU EVERY FUCKING THING I HAD!" Lyasia was bawling her eyes out. "AYO CHILL!" Messiah said shaking her up. "Fuck you!! Ima kill that little bitch!" she struggled to point her gun at me and started shooting rampantly. I ducked and grabbed my shirt and pants and tried to run out but I was quickly pulled back by my hair. "MESSIAH! she got my hair!!!" I screamed, trying to shake loose. " I can't do anything about that! I got her blick in the other hand! One false move, it can pop off!" He said referring to her pistol. It was either I had to fight this bitch or die... And I wasn't bout to go down just yet... I got a life to live.
"Let her go..." I said. "W-w-what?" He asked breathing heavily. "LET HER GO." I barked ready to fight for my dear life. "Oh yes." I heard Lyasia hiss.
Lyasia immediately started whooping...my...ass. Idk why she came in with a gun, her hands were lethal as fuck. I wasn't sure what Messiah was doing, prolly breaking it all up. I felt my nose start to leak. That's when I went off. This Lyasia bitch wasn't fat or nothing but she... she had the physique of a bitch that loved to fight. She wasn't much tler than me she just had more meat on her than I did, but I'll be damned if I was to lose this fight in front of my boo.
I dug my nails under her track and swung her down as hard as I could and started throwing punches at her face. "Yeahhh, A!" Messiah yelled. I was on top of her and banging her head on the floor. "Messiah, help me!" she managed to get out with all the blood falling from her mouth. I continued to mercilessly tear her ass up.
I saw that she had gotten weak and was damn near a knock out so I stopped and got off of her and looked down at her. "I really didn't wanna do that..." I shook my head in disgust. She was crying and holding her stomach when I seen blood coming down from her pants. That's when my heart dropped. "Messiah, she's pregnant! Fuck- I forgot ! Why didn't u tell me to stop?!" I pushed his chest. I was losing it. "How could you? This bitch just had a miscarriage on YOUR floor! Damn it Messiah !" I kept poking at his chest and going off- in one swift move he slapped the shit out of me. I held on to my face in disbelief. My cheeks were hot and stinging. "Get your ass together. I ain't want that fuckin baby.. you knew what you was doing fighting a pregnant bitch." Messiah burned a hole through my soul. the way he was looking at me. I shook my head and rushed over to Lyasia to try and help. "You... Need to get me outta here.." she started breathing heavily. "Get out- Ima call you later- I got this." I was roughly picked up by my tank top and thrown aside. "But she needs to go to the hospital! I-" Messiah cut me off immediately by the look he gave me. I bit my lip and got dressed quickly and ran out.
I hated when Messiah was anxious or angry, he was a whole other person. Lyasia had to be taken to the hospital but that would put both Messiah and I in jeopardy ... I just wondered what he was going to do with her.
"You been in ya room all day, you good?" Tegan came in with a Chipotles bag. I nodded and looked down. "somethin ain't right, talk to me... did Mess do something to you? Let me know now..." Tegan raised an threatening eyebrow. I shook my head. "Just cramps..." I lowly said. "I gotchu a burrito...well... half of a burrito- the other half dropped.
...into my mouth. Look, this shit is expensive." He finally stopped lying. I giggled a bit. "Thanks." I said taking it . "So... what you did today- who the fuck-?" Tegan was cut off by loud banging on the door. He got up from my bed and grabbed his nine- I got up and walked after him. "Who the fuck is it?!?" Tegan yelled with a flared nose. "Police! Open up or we will be forced to knock your door down!" They yelled back from outside. My heart immediately dropped. Tegan looked at me with great disbelieve "the FUCK did you do?!" He barked at me. I stood there shaking as Tegan his his gun and held on tight to the small biracial curls on top of his head. "FUCK, AMBER!!!" The Feds kept banging on the door as Tegan paced the floor. "Sir, you have exactly 10 seconds to open this goddamn door, or we will take affirmative action! 10....9...8..." They started their countdown - Tegan sighed. "You better hope and pray that Kamille gon get you outta this shit- cuz I can't."
I watched as he unlocked the door and they came rushing in and I was immediately tackled to the ground. "Amber Li, you are under arrest for the death of Lyasia Montgomery- and her unborn child- anything that you say or do will be used against you in the court of law..." I stopped hearing everything and I immediately blacked out. I did what?
I killed Lyasia...?
My eyes fogged up as my arms were pulled behind my back while my chin rested on the cold hard floor- how the fuck did all of this happen?

[:Lyasia In Opening Photo:]

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