Watchu Talkin Bout, Willis?

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I sat in class lightheaded and my titties were beyond tender. I softly caressed them through my hoodie as the professor spoke. My phone vibrated and it was Kae asking me what I was up to. Thank god all of us were able to get over the Minaj et quatorze we had. Everything was back to normal, but I did notice Karrueche wanting to be around me more. I've made it clear so many times that our little 'experiment' was a one time thing. I was getting dicked down on the daily by Aug and honey, that's all I needed and wanted.
"Jacobs... I need your mind to be here, thank you." My professor spoke interrupting my thoughts. I bit my lip and sighed. I couldn't help but wonder what my baby was up to.
Markell strolled into class all late and sat next to me. "Sup?" He smirked looking me up and down. "Hey." I vaguely responded. "Happy Belated... I got this for you." He said pulling out a velvet box. "Aww thanks, you shouldn't have...oh my god, this is gorgeous!" I squealed. I admired the gold bracelet that had my name engraved in script , with a diamond for the top of the "i".
"Just a lil somethin for a friend. Shit ain't gotta be awkward between us. You know you my boo." Markell laughed. "Thanks, Kell." I said reaching over to give him a hug.
I was playing Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare when I heard my doorbell ring. "Fuck! right when I was busting ass." I hissed and got up abruptly. "Who it be?!" I yelled. "Kae!" I heard Karrueche respond."Kamille ain't here!" I said hoping that'll make her leave. "Nigga if you don't open this door, witcha nappy headed ass! I have Londyn with me..." She said. That's when I unlocked the door and immediately took my god child out her hands. "Took you long enough" She said rolling her eyes. "Wassup, Kae?" I asked as I rocked Londyn back and forth. "I just came to see you .. Londyn was asking for you." She said laughing nervously . "Londyn is 3 weeks old. She ain't asking for me. What's really up? Cuz you don't pay me random visits either. Karrueche bit her lip and looked down. "You ever regret doing something cause you didn't expect the outcome to be so.. burdensome ?" She finally spoke up. "Hmmm. Nah, I'm used to living in the moment but umm... what's burdening you?" I asked. Karrueche's eyes shifted from the floor, to Londyn, then to me. I looked down at Londyn's beautiful face. At times, I yearned to be a father... I just wanted to spoil my little girl or boy and teach them the ways of life. I really couldn't help but feel Kae was regretting having her daughter. "You're not deadass..." I began. "August... You don't understand. I love my baby but she's stopping me from so much! I'm still hella young. " She spoke. "Ain't her fault that you and Breezy slipped up. Londyn is a blessing... she didn't ask to be brought here but you was chosen to be her mother and I see no mistake in that. Why you illin ?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Chris and I are bonded for life because of her..." Kae sat down. "Problem with that is...? Y'all meant to be." I shrugged. "How the fuck you know that?!? How you know I ain't meant to be with you?!" She raised her voice. I pulled my neck back. What the holy fuck-? Did she really just say that? "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. It's just that... ever since that foursome...I couldn't stop thinking about you. You did me right, The way Chris could never do me! I haven't had my spots hit like that since my last nigga. I can see why Kamille is so in love with you... And hell, I can see why you in love with her bad ass too! I just want some more from you every now and then Aug... we ain't gotta tell anybody anything. Let's keep it spontaneous and exciting, come on Aug." She got up and sashayed her little ass over to me. "Aw hell - baby girl... You do realize that I'm ya bestfriend's man? And ya man's bestfriend? right?" I asked holding Londyn tighter to me so Kae couldn't get any closer. "This ain't right, ima just give you the benefit of the doubt and say this is a faze. You gon be over me in a few days." I smiled. "No! Everytime I think of you my pussy starts to leak... you and the thought of that long fat dick just gets me going! Put Londyn down and let me taste it. Come on, put her in her stroller." Karrueche started to beg.
"Yo, you gotta go. I love you and all, but you trippin. I'm happy with Kamille! I just got her back and you tryna fuck things up again?! Look, go before she gets here-" As soon as I said that my doorbell rang. I quickly went to open it but I was grabbed up by Kae. "Don't you say a word..." She said through closed teeth. I shook free and opened the door to a smiling Kamille. " Hi, baby. Awww look at Londyn lil pretty ass. So that must mean my sister is here..." Kamille took Londyn from me then gave me a quick kiss. "Heyyy booo!!" They gave eachother a kiss on the cheek. "You look so pretty!" Kae said complimenting my girlfriend. Fake ass. "What you doing here?!" Kami beamed. " I came to surprise you! Londyn was looking at me like 'I wanna see my god mommy' so I just dropped by. Lying ass. I popped a grape into my mouth and continued to watch Karrueche act like she ain't just try to suck my dick. I exhaled and took the Chinese food from Kami and went into the living room.
I was gonna let Kae slide cause I believed it was a faze but if not, She had better dealt with herself before Kami found a way to deal with her.
5 weeks later I was still receiving hella texts and nudes from Karrueche and Breezy on the other hand kept complaining about how he felt that she was drifting away from the family and blah blah blah... Y'all don't know how bad I wanted to tell him that she was drifting away from them cause she was trying to drift closer to this dick. I was finna speak to Kamille about the whole situation and then we was gon work on the situation . She was taking so long to get home and finally I heard my door unlock. (Baby girl got her own key now, so y'all know it's real.) "Baby, we gotta talk." She rushed in. "So you found out? Look I was just gonna talk to you about that... What're we gonna do about this shit, ma? Cause I don't want anything getting in between us- no matter what, I want us to stay together!" I spoke holding on to her waist. "You mean that?" She asked looking up at me. "Of course, shorty. You know this is genuine love I got for you." I reassured her. "Oh my goodness- so... you're saying you're prepared for this?" Kamille looked up at me. "Whatever you wanna do, I'm with it. Anything for you. We just gotta inform breezy so he don't feel betrayed." I smiled. "Why does he need to know, first?" Kamille asked with a stank attitude. "Karrueche is his girlfriend, bae!" I furrowed my eyebrows. "What the fuck are you talking about?!" Kamille raised one eyebrow. "Karrueche been coming on to me! I thought we were on the same page, what were you talking about?" I asked getting closer to her.
"What the fu-? Oh no... I was just talkin bout the fact that today I found out that...
I'm pregnant, Aug."

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