She's A Very Sneaky Girlll Pt. 1

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I woke up and stretched without opening my eyes. I knew she was next to me, my baby was back. Them days that she was trippin, she knew she was missing me. Breezy gave some good advice, though. Mann, what is up with y'all females? A nigga apologizes and serenades you, then it's 'fuck you, I hate you, you ain't shit.' But when a nigga threatening to up and leave ya ass, that's when y'all be like 'baby, please don't go.' Tsssss. Y'all a damn trip.

I finally opened my eyes and there she was , laying there next to me... texting. "Who the fuck is you texting in the morning, Kamille?" I groggily said. "Uh-uhn! Baby, your breath is highly offensive right now. You better go brush your teeth before you start questioning me, witcho mouth smelling like Raccoon ass." She made a face. "Oh word?" I laughed and started breathing on her face , "You bout to burn my eyebrows off!" Kami squealed like a pig. I cackled and got up to go to the bathroom.

As I brushed my teeth, I thought about the way Kamille gave me neck, last night. Her head game ... was off the shits! I knew she was a virgin, but the way she was givin it up , had to make me think ... who ELSE did that mouth do? I know it sounds foul, but think about it. Pretty bitches love to claim they're virgins, but they sit there and suck a whole lotta dick. [NewsFlash! if you giving head to every nigga you come across, it ain't no better than fuckin every nigga you come across. You just become a thot of the mouth, instead of a thot of the pussy.]

I had to ask Kami what was up. I ain't want no niggas pullin up, saying she gave em all head. "Baby." I walked back into the room with a fresh face and a fresher mouth. "Yeah, booty breath." she asked. "Don't get offended when I ask this..." I laid on top of her. She was still texting. Who the fuck is she texting?! "What?" she looked at me. I snatched her phone and saw the name 'Markell' before I locked it and threw it elsewhere. The name was familiar, but I tried to pay it no mind. "Aright... how many times have you given head before?" I asked stroking her cheek. "Zero. You were my first." She calmly said. Her being calm, indicated that she was telling the truth. Usually when a bitch get all crazy and start yelling- she's guilty of something. "I believe you, beautiful. " I kissed her upper lip. "Why would you ask me that? Was it bad? I'm sorry." She furrowed her eyebrows. "No, no, no bae. It was great. Too great, that's why I had to double check. You got the head game of somebody that been doing it for a minute. Shit, I can get used to that. Naa mean?" I laughed. "Well , dont! Naa mean?" Kamille mimicked me. "C'mon bae, let's go make breakfast. We gotta party to go to tonight." I said . "Wha-? Who's?" She asked. "Ink" I responded as we started to go downstairs to the kitchen. "Ink... Kid ink? I love him! he's like a younger... Young Berg! if that makes sense." Kamille said. I laughed. "Yeah, he invited us out there. You down?" I asked. "Ohhh, Fa sho! I gotta find something to wear." Kamille fanned herself. "Let's go shopping , we gotta be in disguise though. You know we can't be seen together , casually." I cupped her chin before I took out the sausage links. "Babe..." she came and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Wassup, Chunky Monkey?" I asked. "What if we get serious? what happens then?" she asked looking up at me. I thought a while. "Let's try not to get too serious, for our career's sake. If we can't help it, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." I planted a little kiss on her soft lips. "That's fine with me." Kamille shrugged.

We made breakfast then went shopping and got ready for the party when the time came.


Aug and I were matching in the cutest way! he wore his Butta tims, and I wore mines. we weren't tryna bring any attention to us, but we wanted to make a fashion statement.

We hopped out of Aug's Bugatti. He finally drove! he was starting to step up a bit.

We walked in the party twhile "No Type" by Rae Sremmurd was on full blast.

I ain't got no type,

Bad bitches is the only thing that I like

You ain't got no life

Cups with the ice, and we do this every night

I don't check the price

(I got it)

I make my own money , so I spend it how I like!

Aug shuffled his way into the function with both his fists pumping in and out and up and down. You know ... that swag dance cute niggas do. Everyone instantly hopped on his dick when they saw him. "Yoo! Waddup Aug?" Breezy gave him a dap. "Miss Kamille... I see you followed my advice, my brotha." He said to August. I raised my eyebrow "What?" I asked. "Nothin, you look so nice! oh y'all niggas matching?! yah cute ...yah cute.." Breezy said hugging me. "Hey Aug," I heard a girl's voice say. I broke my neck to see who it was. "Why the fuck you saying hi like that?" Breezy spoke. It was Karreuche Tran. She was gorgeous. "Bae, shut up. Kamille... right?" she asked looking at me. "Yeah." I smiled. "I've heard so much about you... not great things, exactly... but I'm open to gettin to know you. You're cute though!" She beamed. I gave her a look. "Baby, ima go say wassup to the Kid- stay with Karreuche." Aug whispered in my ear . I looked at him and nodded. "I'll follow up after you," I said back . He swiftly smacked my ass, making sure no one saw... But Karreuche and Breezy. "Yeaahh, bro!" Breezy said walking away with Aug giving him one more pound, before they disappeared into the crowed.

"So... what have you heard?" I asked walking over to the bar with her close behind. "Y'all messin around... And by the looks of it... The rumors are true." She did a sly grin. I shook my head. "Naww." I said . "Lemme get a 'sex on the beach' and some shots - Look Kami...if I can call you that, My baby tells me everything... Chris and Aug are bestfriends... So Aug tells him everything, too! Therefore, I know wassup. C'mon , I don't run my mouth- confide in me, girl!" Karreuche ordered, then threw back a shot of vodka. I was uneasy, cuz of the whole situation with Nicki, so my trust was fucked up. But Karreuche already knew everything, due to Aug and Breezy's big ass mouths. So, fuck it... I was gonna let her in.

"Why you ain't choke that hoe with her nasty ass thong? Fuck outta here! I understand that you was tryna keep ya job and shit , but she straight up disrespected you!" Karreuche said. I slurped up a Jell-O shot. "Naw boo, Aug disrespected me... See, HE was aware of what he was doing. Nicki had no idea we had something going on so I couldn't really beat her ass the way I wanted to. It would've been wrong." I shrugged. Karreuche finally looked up from her phone and glimpsed .past me and screamed "KAMILLE, WATCH OUT!!!" As soon as I tried to move, I was immediately hit in the face with what felt like a wooden bat.

There was an immediate uproar and my vision was fuzzy. I stumbled before I hit the ground. My eyes got blurry and I was fading in and out of consciousness. I was hit hard. I strained my eyes to see what the fuck was going on. last thing I saw was Karreuche throwing her hands at someone taller than her. "Why would you sneak her- bitch?!" I heard her say, through the ringing in my ear. Karreuche's little arms were flying everywhere and landing on that bitch's body. But who was Karreuche fighting for me? I felt myself being lifted by two manly hands. I was still trying to gain enough composure to help Karreuche out. "Get this bitch off my hair! Knuckle up, hoe! why you pulling hair?!" She yelled. I was being pulled away from the scene. "WorldStar!!!!!" I heard niggas yell. "Noo.. I gotta help...her.." I moaned. No one heard me over the music, I was eventually taken out the club but not before I momentarily laid eyes on who Karreuche was scrapping with...


Then Everything went black.

[Aug And Kamille's Party Outfit In Opening Photo]

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