Can't Stop A Dog From Doggin

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"You missed me? I missed you." Markell held me in his arms. I nodded. He held my chin and softly kissed me for the first time. "Whoa." I exclaimed. His lips were soft and all , but I craved Aug's lips and his lips only . I missed my bae. It's been a week since I last saw him- I'm back to school and he's back to work. Markell continued to kiss me and I gave his tongue access into my mouth. He wasn't as good as Aug. All I could think about was August. He had a performance tonight, and I was finally gonna get to see him. I kissed Markell back, but I wasn't really into it.

My phone vibrated - I was being informed that Rihanna was again,popping shit. I was getting tired of her. I simply put up a leaked naked pic of her and captioned it "I wish this was scandalous- but errbody done seen you naked plenty of times,ma. #NothingNew #WornOutIndustryPuzzy


The clap back queen just got clapped on. I don't understand why everyone was so shook by Rihanna on Twitter, she ain't shit. Chris immediately called me and told me to remove the picture, it was supposedly gon bring negative attention to all of us. I wanted her to see the post, but I had no choice but to take it down. I was gon have to get to this hoe some other way.

-Later On At Aug's Performance-

My class ended later than I expected, so therefore... I was running late to August's performance. I had arrived like an hour late to the concert. I was supposed to be there to ease his nerves, he was texting me non stop, but he knew my education came first...always. I strutted backstage and ran into Chris. "You're hella late, Kamille... Was it class?" he asked. "Yeah, you know I wouldn't allow anything else to make me this late." I said smoothening my baby hair. "Hmm, right. You look good." Chris smiled. "Thanks, how's Auggy doing on stage?" I asked squinting to the front where I heard him and Nicki performing "No Love." Chris shrugged "He was a little nervous at first, but he got over it once he spent some time with Nicki." Oh really? I rolled my tongue over my teeth and nodded. "Okay, well ...I'm gonna set up his backstage meetings so , I'll see you." I smiled. "No doubt." Chris said. I stepped into Aug's dressing room and it seemed like everything was thrashed about. What did Chris mean when he said, "spent some time with Nicki"? I tried not to over think it. I walked further into the room, and saw a Magnum wrapper on the floor, and red lace panties on his dresser. "What the fu-" I walked over to the dresser and looked at the underwear. "Damn! I'm so fucking stupid!" I smacked my palm on my forehead several times. I should've known. He was still a fuckin dog , but who did he fuck? A fan he saw on his way in? I can't believe I expected more from this nigga. I looked in the mirror. I wore a peach blazer with a white shirt underneath and high waisted khaki colored skinny pants with peach Ralph Lauren stiletto's. I wore my hair in a bouncy ponytail. "Look at this, I got all cute for nothin." I shook my head. I bit my lip and sat down on the couch and did what I originally came to do. Aug was finna see the bitch come out of me.

Soon the performance was all over, Nicki and Aug had came into the dressing room and I just sat there with my legs crossed and my laptop. I didn't even bother to look up. "Hey, doll!" Nicki came over and gave me a cheek to cheek kiss. "Hey baby girl." I smiled at her. "I can't get a hello? I ain't see you in a minute, asshole!" August pushed my forehead. I glared at him. "Leave her alone. I love them shoes, girl!" Nicki sat across from me. "Oh yeah? thanks boo." I smiled. I moved my foot and exposed the Magnum wrapper. Nicki quickly looked at Aug. "What is this?!" she said picking it up and waving it in his face. Aug shrugged it off. "I'm August motherfuckin Alsina." He smirked. I bit my lip and sighed. "You can't be fuckin hoes in here, Aug! that's disrespectful shit! plus Kamille gotta deal with seeing this shit!" Nicki stood up for me. That's why she my bitch. "Don't forget about the panties on the dresser." I said sounding unamused but looking back down at my computer screen.

"You got her panties here, too?! damn, you nonchalant." Nicki wore a skin tight dress and it was short. She sat back down and swung her legs over the other, but not before I got a glimpse at her-

Nicki wasn't ...

wearing any panties.

It can't be.... Nicki and Aug??

Hell no.

Now everything was starting to make sense.

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