The Ending

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"Mr Alsina..." The doctor walked into the waiting area with blood on his scrubs and on his gloves. I immediately stood up. "Wassup? Just tell me if she's going to be okay, man?! Ma, look at her fuckin blood!" My eyes got watery all over again. "Baby, calm down. Let him talk." Mama spoke. I got silent and looked at the white man with the grey and black goatee. "We are so sorry... We did all we could. The girl lost way too much blood, to even nearly revive her. On the behalf of the whole hospital... we give you our most sincere- "FUCK YOUR APOLOGY!!! HAD SHE BEEN WHITE, YALL WOULD'VE HAD EVERY FUCKIN NURSE OPERATING ON HER! OOOOH, I SWEAR TO GOD, MANNN!!" At this point, I was bawling my eyes out and I was dizzy. I saw nothing but red, mama was crying as much as me. I caught the illest headache as everyone tried to calm me down. "That's my fuckin baby... they let my girl die. Oh my god." My eyes turned into Niagara falls. "Sir, relax. I strongly suggest, you take legal action against the person who caused Ms. Jacobs to stumble." The man touched my shoulder. "Get the fuck off of me. I'm finna take legal action against y'all muthafuckas. You got the nerve to tell me to relax!! I'm sure you haven't lost ya wife, man. You got the fuckin balls of a horse to tell me relax. fuck wrong with you?! Try losing someone you love the most, and see if you can relax, dick." I threw his hand off my shoulder. The way I was feeling, I was close to fighting any and everybody who said anything wrong to me. I shook my leg and bit down on my lip. I couldn't believe Kamille was gone. I felt my heartbreak a million times in my chest. Why god? After I prayed, you still do this to me? "Mr. Alsina, I apologize.. I also understand you're upset and hurt. We'll give you some time to get it together." He said walking away. "Lemme see her." I snapped. "I'm sorry?" He asked. "I said, let me see my fuckin girlfriend. Am I allowed, sir? Do I have the right?" I looked him in his eyes. "Anthony, relax." Mama said through tears. I shook my head and stood up. He told me to follow him. My heart beat tripled and mama was hysterical. She loved Kami as much as I did. Who knew it would ever end like this? Man, I should've killed Breezy while I ha the chance. Is all I could think as we walked to the room where my soul mate's body lied. My eyes got foggy and I could feel a pulse in the back of my head. The hallway got longer and the walk seemed like it was going on forever. "Anthony, whatever you do... don't break down...when you see her, stay strong." mama rubbed my back as she sniffed. I nodded and clenched my jaws as we finally got closer to the door. I wasn't ready, but I was already there. the room started spinning when the doctor reached for the door knob. "Okay, Mr. Alsina... you can go in." he said with a twist of the wrist. "August..." the doctor stopped me from walking in. I looked at him. "August." Mama looked at me. "Ma?" I made a sick face. "August... get up..." The doctor spoke. "What?!" I looked at him. "Get the hell up..." Mama sniffed. I backed up and looked at the both of them. "AUGUST!!!!!"
It felt like my heart was about to stop but I jumped up with the illest quickness. My chest heaved in and out. "Fuck is wrong with you?!" I heard a feminine voice yell in my ear. She sounded disturbed and frightened. I looked to the left to see Kamille holding on to her very pregnant stomach. "Baby..." I started. "Boy, what's up? You about to make me have this baby prematurely. Ugh I'm so hot." She got up and waddled over to the window. "I had the craziest dream." I shook my head. "The way you was kicking and screaming, made me think you were possessed. What'd you dream about?" Kami adjusted her nightgown and climbed back into bed. I admired her pregnant frame and everything hit me, blissfully. That baby was mine, Karrueche wasn't on my dick, Breezy was still my nigga- and most importantly, everything was back to normal. Just the way I liked it.
I explained the dream to Kami and she looked at me crazy. "Well first off, I ain't stupid enough to let nobody other than my man bust in me, so this right chea... is def your seed. Second thing, is... won't nothing ever break Kae and Chris up! They a strong ass couple and Londyn belongs to them... she looks just like Breezy. That foursome was so long ago, babe. I'm 8 months pregnant Aug, you need to be dreaming about our engagement. Over here dreaming about me dying and shit. That means you must really really love me, huh daddy?" She bit her lip and leaned in on me. I laughed. "More than you ever know, ma. That wedding ring coming soon, baby. Don't worry. That dream just felt all too real." I said drawing in air. "Yeah, I see. But baby, we up next. We don't got time to be focusing on little shit like that, we got your son on the way, your career, and us to worry about. " She smiled at me. I kissed her on her lips and looked at her glowing skin. "This baby is gon be everything to us... I'm so hype. I love you, girl." I rubbed her round belly. "I love you too,August. I wouldn't have had it any other way... Now about those blunts you be smoking before you come to bed, you gon have to cut that shit out. It's fuckin with your dreams and your dreams are fuckin with my sleep." Kami snapped and laid on her side. "You know, sex is good for the development of the baby , right?" I asked rubbing on her now, bigger ass. "Oh yeah? Well, You better get it poppin witcha hand nigga, my back hurt tonight." She said. Soon, she dozed off and that was that.
I watched my baby sleep with a little me in her stomach and all I could do was smile. That's all me, right there. I exhaled.
Ain't it crazy how real a dream could feel? How much it can show your excessive thoughts about someone? I hated the dream, but at the end of the day it made me realize how much love I really got for Kamille. About two years later, I've come to grips with the fact that that's really my fucking shorty and I'm really in love with her. She killed all the pimp and pride that I had left in me , and that goes to show she's a keeper and she ain't going nowhere.
Kamille Alsina coming soon, just wait on it.
Surpriseeeee You Guysss!! Did I scare y'all? Did I confuse y'all?? Good.
Well... guess what? This is the end of this book. Yes, I will make a sequel to the book but for now, I can't give y'all everything just yet so y'all gon have to wait. I will be making more Fanfictions and writing more books... AnihkaDior ain't going nowhere.
Now, listen... Just cause I ain't writing about August, that don't mean y'all gotta go missing in action, if you a fan of what I write, you supposed to be down with whatever I write and I see most of the love I get is for THIS book.
Well, it's done for now, and I don't want y'all being fake. Don't be sad, like I said...
I love you guys, stay updated and keep reading my shit, cause I'm sensitive about it. Feel free to holla at me.
'Goodbyes' are forever 'later' is temporary so I bid you a later.

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