Strictly Business Baby, Strictly Business

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I looked at Nicki up and down, I slowly closed my laptop and stood up and walked to the dresser where the panties- or should I say her panties were. "Nicki..." I said before twirling my tongue around the inside of my mouth. "yeah, mama?" Her eyes followed my every move. My eyes darted back and before Aug and her. "Ya momma never taught you 'never leave nothing behind if you ain't tryna get caught'? I believe these belong to you-" I said throwing the draws in her face. "What?! these ain't mine! I just stood up for you , these can't be mines! did I not just tell Aug off?!" Her eyes widened. "I'm not stupid , girl. Chris told me y'all were together earlier. The condom Wrapper, The late phone calls... Bitch, you don't even got no fuckin panties on!!" I got hood and clapped my hands. Nicki seemed shook. She said nothing. I wanted her to say something , cuz I was about 5 seconds away from slapping the shit out of her.

I turned my attention to Aug "And you- best believe... Shit is gonna be way different now. I lost the little bit of respect I had for you. How could you?! as a matter of fact- how could you?? The both of y'all stupid motherfuckas!" I stood in between them and my neck was snapping in both fuckin directions, I was pissed. "Kami..." Nicki tried to touch me, and I pushed her with all my might- she fell onto the sofa and I got all up in her face and my finger was tap dancing hard on her forehead. "Kami, my ass! You was sposed to be my bitch in the industry and you over here fuckin my-" I caught myself and bit my lip. "My... My boss." I sighed and backed up and let a single tear run down my cheek. I quickly wiped it. August was at a huge loss for words. He stood there looking sorry. "I ain't no spiteful bitch, so I ain't gon expose this shit. Y'all do what y'all do. Just make sure y'all keep me out of y'all social loop. Like I said... everything I gotta do with y'all asses, from now on strictly business. It's almost time for y'all to meet the fans. I'll be at the meeting area...if y'all have a quickie- try not to take to long. Oh! and don't leave shit behind. Messy Minaj." I looked at the both of them in disgust before leaving the room and slamming the door behind me. I wanted so bad to ask Nicki how my pussy tasted. That would've just made it clear that Aug and I had something going on, but that was all a mistake. My feelings for him were all a mistake.


"WHY THE FUCK YOU LEFT YA SHIT OUT?!" I barked on Nicki knowing I just fucked up, big time. "Nigga, don't scream at me!! You wanted this pussy as much as I wanted ya Dick so don't blame me now!" she snapped. "I ain't want shit! This just fucked everything up , man! I can't believe this ." I turned red with a mixture of anger, embarrassment, and regret. "Why you trippin?! you acting like y'all was fuckin around, too. " Nicki gave me a side eye. "I think you should go to your own dressing room Nick. Shit is too hot, right about now."


I tried my best to put on a fake happy mood for the fans and take pictures of them with August, but I really wanted to flip the table over and drop kick his tall ass. "Are you and Aug ,really messin around?" A fan asked. " Hell no, my standards are way above his type. Now get closer so I could take the picture." I spat loud enough for him to hear me and hurt his pride. He clenched his jaws then smiled for the picture.

The meet and greet lasted for about one more hour, then it was done. I wasted no time getting out of there.

I sat in my car as the rain poured outside. The heavy drops on my rooftop. I turned my car on and the radio started to play.

"I didn't need the furs or the jewelry

Because material things they don't mean much to me

And ever since you've been gone

I have been holding us down on my own

I never ever cheated

I never ever lied

So you can stop asking, asking me why

Why I never left you, and why I kept it real

And why I'm still with you

You should've known better than to think I would leave

You should've known better than to doubt me

It don't matter if you're up, matter if you're down

Either way I'm gonna be around

You should've known that I would stay by your side

You should've known your girl was gonna ride or die

And it just don't matter if ya rich or poor

Out or in doing 5 to10

You should've known better."

I sang along with Monica with my voice a little stronger than usual, shit- I should've known better than to fuck around with August. I heard a knock on my window and I turned to see a soaked August , begging for me to let him in. I lowered the music then I rolled the window down. "What?" I spat. "It's rainin, somethin crazy out here! Kamille, I need a ride. please?" he asked. I looked around. "Where's bubble butt?" I asked referring to Nicki. "C'mon Kami, you being childish. You may be mad at me , but you still work for me." he said. I thought for a minute. I should leave his ass here, all soaking wet. "Can't Chris drive you home?" I asked. " Kamille!" Aug put some bass in his voice and startled me. I unlocked the doors. He opened the door to the passenger's seat. "Uh-uhnnn! get yo ass in the back. Only real niggas can ride shot gun." I snapped. Aug closed the door and did as he was told and silently got in the back. "Yo, can we talk about this?" He asked. "Nothin to talk about. Ima just get you home and get back to my dorm. Just enjoy the ride." I pulled out the lot and started to drive. "I guess you gon have to hear me then. Baby, I know I messed up. But you know I want you... Nicki don't mean nothing to me ... Not like that. I need you around me , ma. You make all my days better. I'm sorry if I hurt you." He said. I slightly laughed "how long has it been going on?" I asked. "Since, before you got the job." he sighed. That long? I said nothing. "You my baby, Kamille. I don't wanna hurt you anymore, ma. ....but, what was up with that slick ass comment you made about me being below your standards ?" He asked. "Exactly what I said. a dog isn't up to my standards - so we can't be together cause you ain't shit to me, right about now." I shrugged my shoulders. "You wasn't saying all that shit when my tongue was in ya mouth ...and ya pussy. C'mon Kami, we not little kids, you should be able to get over this shit and forgive me. "He said. Yeah, he was stupid. Fuck did Aug mean by 'get over this shit' like... Nigga?! I wasn't gon get over shit anytime soon. "Oh, I forgive you... but don't expect me to put you first anymore, from now on ima just do what I have to do . You did what you did, and that's all to it. Our little charade is done. I'm just ya assistant, remember that. So no, I'm not ya baby - you will now address me as Kamille...strictly business from now on and as for this pussy... you can kiss it good bye too." I spoke.

The ride grew silent ... He said nothing, and neither did I. We finally reached his house and he hastily left my whip and slammed the door behind him . He def had a additude, but quite frankly- I ain't give a fuck. He knew how I felt about him and he blatantly disrespected me and my feelings by fucking that Silicone Sally lookin bitch.

Things couldn't have been the same between us... I no longer trusted him, and the love I had for baby boy? all gone. I refuse to have someone like him break my heart, when I've never experienced heartbreak before. I guess it was time for me to focus on finishing college, and properly assisting Aug's muscle head ass.

Being the anal assistant I should've been from day one.

Y'all happy, now? Lol, i hope the chapter was good enough ... I know y'all was expecting Kamille to beat Nicki ass but Kami is being mature...for now. Y'all think Kami really done with Aug? This might be Markell's chance to cuff her up!

I love the feedback I'm getting though! I'm glad you guys like the book, y'all are my motivation so please bare with me and keep on reading! Much Love,


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