Could It Be, Im Falling In Love? Pt.2

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I was getting ready to leave work when my phone rang.
"Hello?" I answered
"Chunky monkey... wassup ma?" Aug spoke.
"Chunky monkey...haven't heard that in a while, what you want, boy?" I asked as I gathered my things and threw my MCM bag over my shoulder.
"Guess who's coming over in a few hours?" he said sounding really happy.
"Who?" I asked, not in the mood for guessing.
"The queen and the princesses." Aug beamed. Of course, those were the only people that could cause this much excitement in Aug. Shit, I was happy too! I missed Reina and the little dolls.
"Really?!" I asked.
"Yup, they all miss you. Shit, they more worried about you than they worried about me! Mama plan on throwing down for us, New Orleans style, baby. Give you a taste of the dirty south. So come over." His accent got thicker.
"Aright, babe- I'll be there in about two hours." I said.
"Ain't you getting off now? who the fuck you going to see?!" Aug knew my schedule better than I did and he caught a attitude.
"No one, I just gotta change and go get a few things." I calmly responded.
"You got 1 hour, Kami. Don't play with me." He said hanging up.
"No, this bitch didn't." I caught déjà vu.


I knocked on Aug's door holding a turquoise Tiffany's bag in one hand, and a bag with juices, cupcakes, and brownies in the other hand. I kicked the door. "You knockin like you the got damn police!" Aug complained behind the closed door. "Ahhh, shut yo ass up, and open this door!" I sounded like a baby momma. He swung the door open and stood there, shirtless and in his boxers. "Ew... yo ass just woke up?" I gave him the stank eye. "No, my ass just took a shower. What's that?" Aug took the bag that held the charm bracelet's for Diamel, Madison, and Amaiya and the diamond necklace for Reina. He opened it and looked through each velvet box. "Baby, you bought this for them? why? they don't need this shit!" Aug furrowed his eyebrows. I shrugged and placed the juices in the refrigerator. "I just wanted to get them each something.They deserve the world August- and if I can't give them that, I'll give them the finer things in it. I got love for them like they my own." I responded. "I know ma, but you didn't have to-" "I'm aware of that, baby. I wanted to." I said, cutting him off. Aug placed the jewelry back in the bag, then walked over to me and grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me with so much passion. After some tongue action, we seperated and he held onto my face and looked into my eyes. "You real special, Kamille... you know that?" he spoke with his sweet breath on my lips. "Now I do." I smiled. "Nah, you should've been knew that once Aug started fucking with you. " He spoke. "We need to talk-" Aug's iPhone rang and he jumped a bit, releasing me and grabbing his phone. "Mama!!" he picked it up sounding like a kid in school who just got a call saying that his mom was on the way to come get him- y'all remember them calls? when ya mother was on her way to come pick you up from school? Good ol days. Anyways, I was just about ready to pour my heart out and tell August how I really felt about him, but I was cut off.

I took out a gold platter to put the deserts on. Aug walked out of the kitchen as he yapped away on the phone to his mother. "Such a momma's boy." I smirked and said to myself. I plugged my phone into the Ihome speakers in the kitchen and started to clean up the house a bit.

"What in the world is this, miss Reina?" I asked looking at the tiny red creatures that resembled mini lobsters. "They're crawfish baby! Don't tell me you've never heard of them, before." Reina beamed . "With all due respect, I don't think these are fishes, miss Reina." I made a face as I picked one up to examine it. She laughed at me as if I had just told the funniest joke she heard all day. She looked good. Happy and rejuvenated. The girls looked good too; I could tell Aug's been taking care of them, financially. The little queens were in the living room with Aug, catching up, talking, and playing around. I stood with Reina cause.. y'all know how I do, I love to be in the kitchen with Miss Alsina. "Well, they're sea creatures, so a part of them, must be. This is southern food, baby girl...crawfish, shrimp, corn, and potatoes! That's how we throw down in New Orleans. Ima put some spice in ya life. Hand me the red potatoes, Hun." Reina spoke sounding like the black lady from the Popeyes commercials. I smiled and gave her the potatoes.

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