Could It Be, Im Fallin In Love? Pt.1

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"Youuu better work!!" Karreuche snapped her fingers. "You like it? it's not too much?" I asked twisting and turning in the mirror, looking at my outfit. "Girl, hell nawlll. August gonna wanna eat you alive after seeing you! look at your skirt! Bend over for me right fast." Karreuche kept her tongue in between her teeth as she smiled. I bent over playfully, "YESSSSS LAWDD. Ass fat, Pussy fat! you bad bitch, you!!" She twerked her little behind. I laughed at her over exaggeration. "Kae, it's just a regular day at work. It ain't about lookin cute for Aug's yellow, ass. Besides, Kamille always cute." I flipped my kinky curls. "That you are, my friend. But uhh... when you gon let him... Pop that cherry of yours? you frontin." Karreuche lifted both of her lips up to her nose and taunted me. I giggled. "Girl, it ain't that type of ball game..." I said slipping on my gold and black-toe Ralph Lauren heels. "Bitch, please! you-" Karreuche held her mouth, and ran to my bathroom. I jumped up at how fast she moved. She slammed the door and I heard her vomiting with hella force. "Kay! what's wrong?!" I repeatedly knocked on the door. "Ughhhh." I heard her groan. "Baby girl, you need anything?" I asked. She turned the faucet on and rinsed her mouth out. "No... I'm fine." she weakly spoke . She opened the door and walked, dragging her feet. "Karreuche, sit down... you okay?" I asked seating her. "I'm good now, but damn girl - this crazy nausea just went through me. I don't know what the fuck happened - probably food poison or some shit. " She said wiping her mouth with her sleeves. I thought a while and then it hit me. "Yo, when's the last time you had your period?" I asked. Her eyes widened. "Oh, hell no... I am not pregnant, okay? I'm on the pill, and I just got off my period 5 weeks ago." Karreuche protested. "So? you can be one of the 5% that gets pregnant while on the pill. You better get a pregnancy test." I warned her. "Listen, regardless of the pill, Chris pulls out, aright? and i would know if he nutted in me. he's a sharp-shooter, if you know what I mean." Karreuche bit her lip. By the way she was smiling and looking up, I could tell she was daydreaming about the dick. "Actually, no... I don't know what you mean." I responded as I started to straighten my hair. "This is why you gotta lose your virginity! you 18, right?" she asked, raising one eyebrow. "Yeah?" I looked at her through the reflection of my vanity. "So pop that pussy, like a soda top!" Her eyes bulged out of their sockets. I laughed, shaking my head. "Girl, how long have you known August?" she asked. "Ehhh... about 6 months and some change." I shrugged. "Wooh! girl y'all should've been onto chains and whips by now! you suckin his dick, and him eating you out ain't poppin , anymore! the readers of your book are getting tired of that shit!" She mentioned. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Readers? what book? There's a book about me?" I asked with mad confusion. "By Anihka Dior!  Helloooo. Am I ringing any bells?" Karreuche waved her hands in the air like a ape. I smirked. "Nope." I shrugged it off. All I know is, if some Anihka Dior is writing about me, it better be a good ass book that everyone wants to read. Shit, go on and make me more famous! Heyyyyy.
"Look, that's not the point, I'm saying... Why haven't you lost your virginity by now?!" Karreuche continued to question me. "Girl, relax! I don't know! I'm scared. I heard it hurts!" I admitted. "Well, for the first few minutes, yeah. But it'll get better, and soon you gon be wanting the dick, any and everywhere- and whenever!" She beamed. "You a trip, Kay." I straightened the last strand of my hair. "I'm serious! But.....Are you in love with August, Kamille?" her voice softened as she looked at me through the reflection of my mirror. I put my straightening iron down, and turned to face her. "What does it mean to be in love, Kay? I never had a boyfriend. I don't know how these things work." I walked over to my bed and sat down. "Well... loving someone and being in love with them, are two different things. You love someone when you care about them and wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them- Kinda how you would feel for family, Whereas, being in love with a nigga- is when you can't stop thinking about him. When you're with someone else *cough*cough* Markell *cough*cough* - you would much rather be with him. Being in love means you yearn for his kiss and touch, every waking minute. No matter how many bad habits, and tendencies he may have, you never get tired of him, and always end up forgiving him. Being in love, is when you miss him right after he leaves. There's more to it... but those are the basics. You know? Chris and I, can safely say... we're in love. We know how it feels, and we know how it looks. If you ask me, You and August are in love."


I took a seat at my desk and thought heavily about what Karreuche said. Everything I did and felt matched up to whatever she said being in love was. I twirled a strand of hair around my index finger and added my middle finger into the mix. It was evident that I had a lot on my mind. My pandora "R&B Love Songs" radio station was playing out loud from my Mac as I tried to file some papers and book appearances. Brandy's "Have You Ever" started up, and I couldn't help but sing along to her raspy yet, well-orchestrated voice.

"Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry

Have you ever needed something so bad

You can't sleep at night

Have you ever tried to find the word
But they don't come out right

Have you ever, have you ever

Have you ever been in love
Been in love so bad

You'd do anything to make them understand

Have you ever had someone steal your heart away

You'd give anything to make them feel the same

Have you ever searched for words to get you in their heart

But you don't know what to say

And you don't know where to start-"

I stopped singing and bit my lip. "Yeah, girl... I know exactly how you feel."

:Kamille's outfit in opening photo:

So, I know this is a short chapter, but Wattpad wanted to be hole of an ass and delete everything else I wrote! So I'm rockin with this for now. But, did y'all see how I put myself in the chapter though? lmaooo. I need a man... I got too much time on my hands 😂😂😐😢
Update coming soon. Let's see where this goesss 😊
-A.D. ❤️👓

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